
Just also want to say, up until a few years ago I would not dared to share my story. I was ashamed of it. I'm not anymore. I sometimes even think it has made me a better person.
Stigma....yup....had a doctor tell me I don't look bi-polar. Hmmm....
Depression, bit different than mixed bi-polar...but many folks view them the same...just take meds and you'll be fine. Yeah, right. If only it were that simple.
Have attempted suicide...more than once. Oddly, the day I had a .357 in my mouth and pulled the trigger....that was the calmest moment in my life during that time.
One of the best things I have done for Not from listening to arm chair shrinks on a Internet forum...but from a caring doc. Acceptance goes a long way. Don't try to hide from about it. Learn to laugh at folks that tell you how to live with it...when the only experience they have is second hand.
Sadly mental health ailments can become consuming. Often times, when a person has chronic pain depression tags along. Same can be said with a depressed person who develops a physical problem. They seem to feed off of each other.....often times seems like you are just spinning out of control.
Like I mentioned during our emails...I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if you have PTSD....speaking of our emails...if they stopped because of me I do apologize. Seems like anymore I just don't respond to folks...

Doug, I was hoping you'd chime in on this.

Your thoughts and experience is beyond value.

You've helped me a lot these past few months and I really cannot emphasize to the folks here how much you care and how much you're willing to help. Our conversations have led to inspiration and connections in my own mind that help me link A to B and make sense of things that previously didn't Make sense.

When another post mentioned FABO being such a support group, they truly are only scratching the surface.

When Sarah passed away I was blessed to have made a friend through this site who came and sat with me and talked up a storm to getting me out the house when I needed it and that's our own 3404speed, John.

A host of others from this site have been just a phone call, email, or text away to talk and all of them have proved invaluable in helping.
Robert, I have met you and you are a good man. Seek help that comforts you. I have lost my friend and wife of 40yrs to depression. Life can be hard but rewarding
Hey Robert! Just caught this thread.
I will Pray for you my friend! Also you may not know it but you have lifted me in the PMs that you
have sent me in the past. And I thank you for that. Those were huge!! but never Knew it at the time.
I am who I am because of people like you. This is GOOD. And of coarse you know who else lifted me.
No guessing because you know...... The LORD Jesus Christ. Hang tuff and fight the big fight.

JOB comes to mind. Love you brother!
lots of great advice here.
My wife says that ever since she has known me I have a dark cloud over me. For 10 years I could barely function as an adult.
What really helped me was a change of diet and walking. It helped me a lot but you need what works for you.
We are complete strangers but if you want to talk sometime I'm a good listener.
Good luck to you Robert.
Praying from here as well Robert.. I'm not a man of many words, but I feel your pain..My Wife suffers from recurring brain tumors, and is coming into depression as well. I wish you All the best , my friend...