didn't someone show this on craiglist

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Matt tried to buy the car and lost out on a coin flip or something.

Don't know Matt's intention, but, I'd think it wasn't to flip it. That's where it's handy to have a girlfriend wife start hysterically crying about how they aren't going to get the car...

I know you can never gauge the real intent of a buyer, but, I'd rather sell to someone that was going to keep it, rather than flip.
I talked with the seller on the phone a couple of times. Very nice guy. He tried to send pix, but they were huge and hard to view. Would have been nice to have an original /6 Demon for local cruzin' and gas mileage.

Too bad he was so far away or would have been there in a heartbeat, not intending to resell....:sad8:
Yes this is the same car that i went to buy! Looks like this guy just wanted it to sell. Wish that i could have been the one to have gotten it, it sure would not be on the ebay for sale.I believe that this was his intention the whole time because he gave me his card and said to call him in a week or so. I have lost heart in it now. He also did not like the fact that i was there at the same time as he was to look at the car. As his son and the owner went around the block, he said " looks as if neither one of us will get a good deal on this car". Well I got news for him that was a good deal on the car at the $6000.00 asking price. That is what he paid for it as well, but it is america so he has the right to do with it as he wants.
Matt 8)
He also did say that he had some one in Arizona that was interested in it at the same time we were looking at the car. He was talking about sending them some pictures well i guess that is you 6pk2goDemon.
Yea that was me..

Funny coincidence....New seller's name is Matt also.
Im glad he paid full asking price. Hopefully Matt will have a good time dealing with the ebay ding-dongs.
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