Difference in arm rest pad lengths?



Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2013
Reaction score
Jackson, OH
My '69 Dart is missing the arm rest pad on the passenger side, so that's been towards the bottom of my "to do" list. Last Saturday I went to the Mopar Expo at the state fairgrounds and found what I thought was the pad I needed. It looked pretty grimey, but the guy said $5 so I figured I could clean it up and use it for the time being. This evening my little helper cleaned it up and had it looking great, but when we went out to the garage, the pad is about an inch or so too long. The pad is identical to the one on my drivers door, other than the length. What did I buy, a '70+ pad?

Here's a terrible iPhone pic of the two (flash washed it out, but it was too much black to capture it without the flash)


And just because I'm a proud daddy, here's my son doing the work. He's a year and a half old and absolutely loves the Dart.


Hmmm. Now that I look at my own picture, they don't appear to be as "identical" as I thought...
I'm guessing that's a B or C body arm rest....Someone else will confirm.
Well crap. Clearly it's not right, but the material and pattern looked the same to me and the guy selling it said it was from an A-body. There was a guy set up outside that had at full set of 67-69 pads, but I walked away from them since I only needed one. I should've just asked if he would split them up, there wasn't exactly a large crowd of buyers there.
I have pads from a '68 GTX, a '67 Chrysler, and a '68 'Cuda. If you have not figured out your dilemma, let me know; I can take some measurements for you.
That little guy cleans better than my better half, and smiles all the while to boot.
Looks like you got your 5 bucks worth of fun out of it. I never get tired of these cute post.
If you give me a length on the one your trying to match and its worth the shipping cost I can likely dig one up for ya around here.
I appreciate it guys. I'm gonna check with a few local guys and if nothing comes up, I'll either take my drivers side pad with me to the next swap meet, or just buy one off here, they pop up from time to time.

ssba, I definitely got my $5 worth! My in-laws watched him while my wife and I went to the swap meet, and I told her when we left that I wouldn't touch it until he could help me. Anytime the car gets moved in or out of the garage, as long as he's home, he's steering. I guess you could say he's got me wrapped around his finger. Lol