Dirt and junk in cowl



May 16, 2011
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I recently bought a '71 Swinger slant six. It's in very good shape. I noticed there are drain holes for the cowl near the hood hinges after you open the hood, but on my car they're plugged with lots of debris like pine needles. Is there an easy way to get up in there to get all of that out? I don't want rust to form. It's an AC car.
I use a peice of copper tubing adapted to the end of an air nozzel. I made it about 2 feet long, and it works great to get up in the cowl drains to blow out all the debrie
I use a peice of copper tubing adapted to the end of an air nozzel. I made it about 2 feet long, and it works great to get up in the cowl drains to blow out all the debrie

X2, but make sure you clean the debris out of the inside of your fenders, otherwise it will hold moisture inside your fenders. You can get to the debris just by opening your doors.
FANOFPETTY and GREEN1 have the best ideas.

Use the wire to break up the junk and the air hose to blow it out the side drains.

DO NOT USE WATER. It just makes everything stick together and attach itself to the cowl.

Think of a bunch of leaves that have fallen on your car. Is it easier to
de-leaf it by driving it down the road or hitting it with a water hose?