DIYmirage - your gravy recipe worked!



Don't Stop Believin'
FABO Gold Member
Jun 22, 2013
Reaction score
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
I have never been able to make gravy from scratch. It would never thicken for me. Steve posted his recipe and I finally tried it today. It reminds me of the SOS we had in the Army.

I have to give some credit to my wife as she told me I didn't have the heat turned up high enough. I was always concerned about burning the milk.

Here it is...or was, it's gone now! Thanks Steve. @4spdragtop
Lol. When I was cooking it, I thought we would have some for tomorrow. Nope!

There is only 3 of us eating. My wife and I, and our 12 year old grandson. I think the wife ate more than I did.
Lol. When I was cooking it, I thought we would have some for tomorrow. Nope!

There is only 3 of us eating. My wife and I, and our 12 year old grandson. I think the wife ate more than I did.
You do understand that now that you've proven you can cook gravy, I'm going to have to ask you to use my recipe and see which one is better, don't you?
I have never been able to make gravy from scratch. It would never thicken for me. Steve posted his recipe and I finally tried it today. It reminds me of the SOS we had in the Army.

I have to give some credit to my wife as she told me I didn't have the heat turned up high enough. I was always concerned about burning the milk.

Here it is...or was, it's gone now! Thanks Steve. @4spdragtop
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Was it as good , IDK I had some pretty good SOS in the corps. loved it on hash browns. still do.
Steve's recipe does look pretty good.
I just got lucky this time!

Send it on over!!! I'll try it next weekend.

Here ya go, from a previous post on food

if you want to give it another try, this is how i make mine

Sausage gravy


· 1 Pound Ground Pork Sausage

· 2 Tablespoons Butter

· 1/3 Cup Flour

· 3 Cups Milk

· 1/4 Teaspoon Garlic Powder

· 1/4 Teaspoon Seasoned Salt

· 1/4 Teaspoon Salt

· 2 Teaspoons Black Pepper


1. Brown the sausage in a large skillet over medium-high heat until no longer pink.

2. Add the butter to the pan and stir it around until melted.

3. Sprinkle the flour over the sausage and stir for 2 minutes.

4. Pour the milk into the sausage and flour mixture slowly, whisking constantly until smooth.

5. Whisk in the seasonings. Taste the gravy and adjust seasoning if necessary.

6. Serve immediately with your favorite biscuits.
So THAT'S what you meant by that!! I was thinking you meant it would turn into something vulgar, lol.

I'm old :realcrazy: and tired from starting a new job.

I changed the Title of the Thread.

Hey Everybody - DIYmirage has a fantastic recipe for breakfast gravy.

I'm going to have a Backwoods Bastard beer now!!