Do You Miss Your Appendix?

The summer I turned 16, I started getting stomach aches and pain in my abdomin, that got more intense as the week went by. I never said anthing to my parents, but one day I told my best friend. One night, I kept waking up all night, thinking I had to go to the bathroom, and feeling very hot. One of my trips to the bathroom, I keeled over like a tree being felled. My dad heard it and thought someone kicked in our front door. He started checking the house and found me on the floor. My side was all swelled out. My parents rushed me to the hospital, where ten minutes later, I was on the operating table getting my appendix out. The doctor told my parents I was like a 1/2 hour away from death.

The next day, my best friend told my parents that I wasn't feeling good for several days. They were pissed, and yelled at me about it a few days later. I was in the hospital for a week. After being home for a week, I started throwing up one night. Back to the doctor, only to find out all of the poison from my burst appendix wasn't out of my system. Back in the hospital for medication through IV...for another week. Just how I wanted to spend the summer I turned 16.
Mine ruptured on Fathers Day in 2016. Don't miss it a all.
My car is quicker now that I'm lighter.