Doc's Rebel Riders

When ya get money for smokes just put gas in your car with it. You will find it money well spent.

When ya get money for smokes just put gas in your car with it. You will find it money well spent.


That's a great idea RPM. Asa you can do this just keep trying. Believe me it will do great things for you, after quitting smoking you'll have the feeling you can do anything:supz:
He's got this. If reverse psychology doesn't work on him, a big *** group of friends that got his back sure will! 8)
Come on Asa let us know how you are doing on the smokes. I have been following along and so far you have been doing good.
As long as the winds not blowing northeast it's fine with me.

I never looked on a map how far are you from ark city Kansas?

I am in Central Oklahoma. Wish I had a wind mill to generate power here the power company would be paying me for a change.
He needs to blow his cigarette smoke Southeast.