dog farts



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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why do they smell so bad??? wife and i were watching tv the other night and our queensland heeler was on my wifes chair with her. she, the pooch not the wife, let one loose:fart:. damn near had to vacate the house. she has been on the same food, Iams, since we have had her. several times a month 1 of the 3 will gas us out so bad you almost want to vomit.....:vom:
I really don't know but I can tell you cat farts are the same way, a little less volume I suppose but still brings tears to your eyes :munky2:
ya my dog does the same thing, he will at least once a day clear out the house. He is a fairly big american staffordshire bull terrier and man he stinks.
Its so funny though because he learned that we dont like it so when he does it and sees that we noticed he gets embarrassed and creeps out of the room haahah its soooo funny he knows it stinks.
why do they smell so bad??? wife and i were watching tv the other night and our queensland heeler was on my wifes chair with her. she, the pooch not the wife, let one loose:fart:. damn near had to vacate the house. she has been on the same food, Iams, since we have had her. several times a month 1 of the 3 will gas us out so bad you almost want to vomit.....:vom:

We had raised our dogs on Bil-Jak, and hadn't noticed as bad as lately. When I lost my job we started using Iams with pro biotics. All I can say bout the K9 gas on Iams is:
Run for your lives!!!!!! (Rottie & Beagle)
Went back to Bil-Jak couple weeks ago. I had done some cyphrin' ta other week a figured not much diff. in the long run price / lbs used.
After changing back to the Jak, no gas (hardly!) Usually only when given, table scraps with feed mix, any dog/people snacks, practically anything added to the Bil-Jak diet would cause the chem warfare!8)

Most all the main products in the Jak is frozen meat!
Funny just thought the beagle had been eating rottie ruths in the yard and vet said missing something in diet. He hasn't been eating at hershey sense going back to the Jak!
hahahahahah! That was cool Keith :toothy10:
We never had a problem with this with Boogy "small Malteeze" It may have more to do on how they eat, Buddy, my new pup eat's like he may have to fight for it and dig's in and eat's like a starving dog :toothy10:
He has cut a couple loose and it sure can bring tears to your eye's some times :bootysha: I have never seen him eat his poop 69swinger340391.
Vinnie may not be farting now but I am still waiting. What gets me is when he does this long, mushy, sounding fart he looks at his butt like "was that me, did that come out of my butt, no it didn't come out of me must have been someone else." Today while we were playing in the yard he decided to turn his butt to me right when I began to throw a snowball at him. The snow ball hit his butt at the same time he farted!LOL!:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D
I have two Pit Bulls, close to a hundred puonds each. The other day i was cleaning out the fridge when i came across 3 hard boiled eggs, yeah, I fed the dogs some eggs. WOW, like posted earlier, if I could make stench like that, I would be proud! The worst is when the dogs are gassy, and have been in the house for a while and I bring a date home, my whole house reeks. I try to blame it on dog toots, but I dont think she bought it.
ABodyBetty & friends!
Pic of when it happened!8)

...he looks at his butt like "was that me, did that come out of my butt, no it didn't come out of me must have been someone else."

We used to have a Siberian Huskey that would do the same thing - she was too prim and proper to believe she did it!
The Rhodesian Ridgeback we had before the one we have now would fart, then get up and leave the room. Never left before, always afterward 'cause he couldn't stand the smell either.
Years ago I saw Buddy Hackett on a comedy show. He said "Women don't fart.....although they're sometimes near a dog that does."
My male weiner pup has had gas since he was a puppy. But he only lets loose when he is on your lap. Or in the bed, can you say dutch oven LOL
ok so here is my theory on the subject. Most Dog and cat food is soy based. (Thats beans folks) . If any one ever had a baby that had to have "soy" products... you know the end (literally) result was much worse then a milk baby. Which also explains why the dog foods that are more meat based dont seem to make them smell as bad. Also explains why the cheaper the dog food.. the worse the smell. More soy filler. It may also have something to do with the fact that dogs and cats digest protiens differently with a horizontal gastric track. I dont know though as I am not a vet. I do know... soy products = bad backend business.

Interesting side note: Did you know your body creates vacuum ? (Try sucking something through a straw.... see ? Vacuum.) If it werent for that wonderful sphincter there would be some serious problems. Also explains why if your doctor doesnt hold the dogs thermometer when taking its temp.... the thermometer dissapears ! fooooooomp !

Dusted, I have had weiner dogs since 1966. They all farted,but none like the minature I have now,who is going on 10 years old. He can turn the air green!