door window weatherstrip

I forget where I got mine but it was drop-shipped from PUI Interiors. Direct is probably cheaper. is the site Top Catwhiskers is the brand they have everything. I got a new unused set second hand off ebay it's a good place to keep your eye out. this is another good site that has them . By the way, gonna try to make the atlantic nationals, i hear chip foose will be be there. Maybe there is another reason why he will be in the area, i can only wish.
Thanks for the tips Marvin. Now how about a progress report on your condition. And by the way we will be at least 7 FABO members at the Nats with a bunch of mopar owners from NS making it a total of about one dozen.
-Chip Foose, why not!-
Hey leblanc
Hows things? Not much to update on me, i will likely still be in a wheelchair if i make it to the nationals for distances such as that. Is it fairly flat ground? So far i have done two sustantial walks about 48 and 55 meters without walking aids such walker and canes completing the second in about half the time of the first so some progress there. No progress on the arm still some movement but no movement on the hand. I am not certain but i will know tomorrow if i am getting out on may 16 or if i am getting delayed for the fourth time. Doesnt matter when i get out i will still have to continue therapy till i get as good as it's gonna get. Let you know more when i find out, cant wait to meet more members!
The Centenial park where the show is, is not very flat. In it there are trees a lake hills and not many flat places. Another place where it is very flat is Main street, where there are a few hundred cars on display on the Friday. I have seen quite a few wheelchairs there. Part of Main street is closed to traffic, the show on Main runs from 8AM to midnight I think. The biggest difference being: on Main you see a couple hundred cars and at the park 1500 plus. this is not mine, just wanted to tempt you, this guy is from PEI and usually is at the nats each year.
well i will be be quite a bit better by july, I will have some one to help me with the the chair so the park is a very good possibillity by that time i would think. Have to see how things go. That car from the island is smokin'