Drip rail Install help



Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
Red Lion PA
Im ready to put on the drip rail of my 66 Dart. Was wondering what is the easiest way to get them on. Where should I start? The drip rail is 2 pcs. The front rail will go over the end of the rear drip rail. do i roll the top in then tap the lower edge into place? Should I use any grease to get the tip to roll over the edge? I tried breifly and it feels very very tight. It came off so I know it will go on I just dont want to dent it while putting it on.
Thanks Rod
I hook em on the bottom, use some soapy water to keep it wet, and use the palm of my hand to press it back on, starting at the rear and working forward. Most times it will snap righ on with a pressing and sliding action with your palm, hence the soapy water!