Drive the last mile...

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or crack a beer and wait here

plymouth340 and ramrunner are about to go at each other!
:sign3: ..................... :sign3:

So is it sort of like celebrity death match except its with you and yourself. How many other personalities do you have?
I vote for it locked and deleted.... well delete it!

I vote for sticky it in the epic walks of shame section!

Wait, do we have one of those?

We should start one, we have three great threads all by the same poster that could go in it.
Wate im the only one that can fight with my self on here ... Im the crazy here! :pain10:

I have two licensed medical professionals, and receive a nice check from a govt. Agency that have certified me as crazy.

That being said you have me beat hands down.LOL
I wonder if this thread can hit 10 pages before it one, gets locked; Or two, the end of the day? I hope so. It's a good start
He was not the first person to get escorted off the premises on there first post.......
HA thanks i think lol

Come on i ant to see them fight lol :fart:
I thought you were taking some time off?? 2 hours does not really count.........come on now DD, this is your crack.......just fess up.....:axe:
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