Drum brake parts?



Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Rhode Island, USA
Does anyone know where I could find a drum brake backing plate for a 10" drum? I think I might end up having to replace the whole thing because this is annoying the crap out of me.

After letting everything soak in liquid wrench for a week, me and a buddy spent 4 hours today trying to fix the brakes on the front and successfully broke off the bleeder screw, broke of the the line fitting in the drum, broke a wheel stud (WHO DESIGNS A CAR WITH LEFT AND RIGHT HAND STUDS, REALLY.) and found that the drum spins fine but the adjuster star is frozen and the thing will not even come close to coming off, even with a crowbar and a sledge it won't budge. The brakes still are not even close to working.
Stick a torch in the star adjuster slot, heat and blow it away, beats trying to break the drum with a sledge.
And if it is self-adjusting, You have to stick a thin screwdriver in the slot, to push the self-adjuster out of the way, or the star won't back up. Try that first.
Alright then I'll give it a shot.
You know I had popped the cap off the hub to make sure it was still nice and greasy under there, and had thought "huh maybe I need to take this apart to get the drum off, nah that would be silly"
Once I get the drum off I can probably just replace the wheel cylinder right? that'll be a lot easier than messing around with that bleeder.
yes...and it is easiest to take the backing plate off to change the wheel cylinder...1 of the lower balljoint bolts is threaded to hold everything together while you change the wheel cyl...