Duster decal


mad dog

Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2013
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Hi everyone, quick question... Dodge has the scat pack decals for the windows from the factory or dealer or maybe after joining the club but what about the Duster?
Did the dust cloud decals i see on ebay come on new Dusters? if anyone has any info or original pics of these decals I would like to see them.
I have never seen them on an original non-restored Duster, wondering if these ever existed or was it just a novelty to put the dust cloud decal on the glass... thanks Rich
There was a dust cloud from the Twister model. Side of car.
thanks cruz, i agree with you but im talking about the side pop out windows
Dodge had the Scat Pack.
Plymouth had the Rapid Transit System.

Plymouth RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM Vinyl Decal Sticker 4137 | eBay
I have the Rapid transit decal in the pop out rear side windows of my Road Runner, didn't remember them being displayed like the Scat pack decals. That's why I said Twister.