Duster in Top Gear sunday

They did not total it but it did "stall" while evading the Stig. It actually did not look to bad and it beat out Fousts car.

Not as bad as I thought it was gonna be. It was cool.
They only spent 2000 on the car, wish I could find one that drove for that lol
$2000 car /6 Auto and the most gutless Duster on the planet. It lost all three contests. He welded the door(s) shut. It did demolish a fruit stand and only suffered a little part of water melon behind the front bumper. If people watched this show and have an old duster laying around that they don't know what it is worth you can most likely get it cheap now.
Had to tivo the late showing, wife had to see real house wives or something.

Slant six, speedo doesn't work, and the brakes pull like crazy. Not unlike a lot of A bodies I have bought.

The Duster was at a serious disadvantage being 20+ years older than the other $2,000 dollar cars. But I must say it was the best looking car.