Dying problem

Jun 22, 2008
Reaction score
Lakeside CA (San Diego)
I just got my 64 Dart GT a couple months ago and it has a 225 slant 6. About a week after i got it something broke in the engine destroying the crank shaft. I had the whole engine rebuilt and it runs ok but with a little problem. It is slow to start up in the morning, i have to keep turning it over and about 3 min later it will fire up. After i get started if i hit the gas just a little too much it starts to flutter and die unless i let off the gas. After it warms up it doesnt do it as bad if at all. The shop that rebuilt the engine told me i might need the carb rebuilt or get a new one. Could that be the cause of both of those problems?
sounds like it could be. try a little starting fluid and see if it fires right up. you should have the old holley 1920 on it and those are easy to rebuild. i had mine go bad and rebuilt it in a luckys parking lot with a fifteen dollar kit from autozone. also while your at it pull the fuel line and see if the pump is flowing a good supply of gas.
I'd try adjusting the choke and replace the choke pull off.And a good dousing with spray gumout never hurts
This is a shot in the dark but here goes. Does it look like gas has been running down the sides of the carburetor from each end of the throttle shaft? If so, you will need a new carb since the throttle shaft is worn out. That's what it sounds like to me from what you are describing.
I sometimes have the same problem and after installing a clear case fuel filter I found after the car sits over night for example all the gas drains from the carburetor back into the gas tank. Therefore when you go to start it the fuel pump must pull gas from the tank, fill up the fuel line, carburetor and build a little back pressure so that engine will run at and idle.

Wish I new how to correct this myself…