E-bay ad referrer rant



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 7, 2005
Reaction score
What's up with the stupid *** referrer stuff. I used to be able to hit a link, delete the referrer and the ad would show up. Now it has some extra crap embedded that won't allow me to even do that.

I realize that some money might be made from the referring links.

Maybe people could just post the ad# along with a hyperlink for those of us that can't just click and see.
Tracy it's something from this site. If you scroll over any hyperlink put in a post, it doesn't begin with the ebay address, it has some ad-link/referrer link, then the ebay tag behind it. Or they used to. Now there's a bunch of embedded stuff. Use to be able to click link, delete the referrer info and the ebay auction would show up. Not any more.

No problem here when at ebay.
Oh Ok. That's odd it's doing for you because I've never had any problem just clicking on the link somebody provides and it coming right up. Never had any referer thing happen here. I don't know a great deal about computers but I do know it's getting bad everywhere nowadays with jerks embedding stuff in hyperlinks that download tracking components on your computer. Do you think that's a possibility? A few days ago I clicked on a link somebody had in their post in the general forum and my computer went crazy trying to open new tabs. I had to shut it down to get it to stop and when I started it up again it was real slow. After I ran Stopzilla, Malwarebytes, and rogue remover it removed the crap and now it seems ok.