Early Barracuda ('64 - '66) Roof Rail Seal Installation Help?



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
Reaction score
La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
My search on the forums here have not found anything specific for my model. I have some "Soft Seal" brand parts and they are not matching up perfectly with the old seals so I am kinda stumped (see photos #1 & #2). The old factory seals stick out a about a half-inch on the rear (near sail panels) but are short in the stainless moldings by a couple of inches (and both driver and passenger sides appear to be the same length) (see photo #3). The factory moldings have an "x" imprinted into the back of the rubber showing exactly where the screws that hold the molding would be located (see photo #4). The "Soft Seal" has no such markings, except in the very front of the rubber where the molding ends in a sharper "point" I find there are two rectangular depressions (see photo #5).

I don't know if my factory rubbers got torn during dis-assembly (which would explain why they appear too short) or if the aftermarket rubbers need trimming. The "Soft Seal" rubbers look wider and fatter than the old factory rubbers (I know factory rubbers may have shrunk after 50 years) and I am hoping they will still fit and function properly due to their softer nature.

I would be really nice if someone had a video of the installation process, or at least of what the rubbers look like installed. Even some photos would help. Well, I now leave up to my forum brothers (sisters?) to lend me (and other future Mopar fanatics) a helping hand. Thank you.

Edit: I don't see any adhesive residue on the metal moldings except in the front couple of inches were the factory rubber appears "short" and that area is "bare" (see photo #3). I am assuming (for now) the seals are just pressed into place without sealers or adhesives. On the other hand, it may very be that I cleaned the stainless moldings up a long time ago where they did have adhesive remnants and I just don't remember doing that task.





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