Electric cars on YouTube


6T9 V-100

Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2008
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Stumbled onto a video for the tzero electric car. I posted a comment on how battery powered cars are fine for a drag racing, but the are actually worse for the environment than driving an SUV around due to the environmental damage that is caused mining the metals, refining the raw material that become the hybrid metal foam in the cells, the special manufacturing processes to produce the vehicles, and the hundreds of pounds of hazmat created when the battery pack has to be changed out. Not to mention what it costs to buy one- a Tesla costs over $129K...of course, the fanatics over there point to the lack of tailpipe emmissions (skipping the fact they make hundreds of pounds of solid hazmat compared to a modern car's micrograms per year of solid waste from the tailpipe), that it's cheap to 'fuel' up (after that insane buyer's premium), and it is cheaper to maintain (except for the fact the battery pack in the Tesla is akin to 6800 laptop batteries, which will be really cheap to replace after a few years of service):toothy7:. After arguing these points for a while w/one person (tsport, who I think posts these clips) I have found my comments removed and can't respond. If you can, check it out and you'll see what I mean-post something that doesn't stroke the enviro egos and they'll jump all over...
I'm all for save the environment (and my wallet at the same time) but if you looks at the most fuel efficient hybrid its the toyota prius and it doesn't get much better economy then my death trap geo metro with its 3 cyl 1L engine and of course 5spd (minus 2nd it doesn't work) if you ask me thats where we should be going then massive car accident would cost so much you just push the cars off the road with the snow plow because everybody will be dead anyway. No really I think electric cars are a waste right now but I can't say I wouldn't be running out to buy the hybrid caravan they were going to bring out that was suppossed to get over 50mpg that would almost tie my metro and I would feel a lot safer instead they are bringing out that stupid sports car really we want to save the environment that is why we are bring out cars with Lotus bodies that cost a fortune so nobody can afford them but the select few in high paying jobs a waste if you ask me and a massive mistake for chrysler even the electric jeep would be a better idea
Right now the biggest problem with elecrics (besides horrible ditance limitations) is that nobody seems to care where the electicity comes from. CUrrently, in many regions, most of it come from nasty coal fired power plants that probably produce more green house gasses than the gas powered cars that the electrics would replace.
The best "Hybrid" I've seen is the Honda Clarity which uses hydrogen to generate the power that runs the electric motors (VERY expensive technology at the moment). Next up are the rigs such as the Chevy Volt which have a small motor that generate the electricity for the direct drive motors once the battery charge is done. But straight battery-powered vehicles will never be as flexible and all-around inexpensive as a standard ICE or hybrid vehicle.
In-motion regenerative devices would solve a lot of the issues, say an alternator on every wheel, when in motion generates current to the batteries, yet can also act as braking, like a traction motor on a Locomotive.
A solar panel or 2 to charge at work, instead of the plug-in, would save a few $$$ on energy, too.

If this is all based on a 12 or 24 volt DC system, it's probably not too hard to feed, either.

That is the inspiration behind the Chevy Volt- kyped straight from GM's own Electromotive division which developed the "Diesel" locomotive...the 'engine' isn't even attached to the drive wheels, it turns the generator which feeds the direct drive electric motors. I still don't really care for the regenerative braking feature on some of the hybrids, I think it adds cost and complexity w/very little pay off (except for the "Gee-Wiz" factor). The roof mounted photo-voltaic panels that are coming out hold more promise, but I will reserve judgement until the real cost figures are for the feature (how much is the intial cost, how durable are they in the real world, how expensive to repair/replace, et cetera). I don't believe what the manufacturer's say, cause the biggest component of their job is sell, sell, sell...
I worked for Hyster forklifts for 11 yrs. specializing in electric powered lifts and worked on everything from the ancient GE185 panel to the SEM controllers. When I left the AC drive systems were just coming out and held more promise than the DC systems. Regarding the regenerative braking. It was a joke as far as restoring battery power. We figured up the amount of charge restored in an 8 hour work day (averaging 7 hrs. run time) gave you approx. 8 minutes more run time which equates to .019 % restored charge. Although it did work well to save wear and tear on the brakes. It's been 3+ yrs. since I worked in that field so I don't know if they have made any more advances with regenerative braking but if they haven't don't look to it as a source for a free battery charge. Also alternators on each wheel sounds like a good deal but they require a good amount of effort to spin one to put out much amperage so I'm not sure they'd be worth the effort. Hyster engineering tested it on forklifts and determined it wasn't productive.

I would love to see it work out so we wouldn't have to depend on oil so much but you guys have some very good arguments in opposition of electric vehicles.

BTW 6T9 V-100 did them mention what voltage they were working with? Alot I've seen lately are in the 80 volt range.