Ellen joke



barbee 6043
FABO Gold Member
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Shepherd, Texas ( SE Tx)
I come in the house just in time to catch the local 5 p m news. Ellen was just about to go off air. she had a clip from home video of high school jr. boy and his family.... that got to take his "boyfriend" to the prom. of course Ellen was so happy for them all.... the school " allowed " this. HUH!!!!?????

I realize this promoted Ellen's agenda. she likes to watch the show because Ellen is " funny".. heck yea, she is funny in more ways than one! I reuse to watch her. its great she ( or her network) gives away $$$ to needy people. more power to her. I just can't make myself watch her show.
I did the same thing. Came in from outside and switched the channel to watch the news and just caught the end of the prom thing. Apparently a straight guy didn't have a date to the prom so he asked his gay friend. I'm not sure why they were dancing though.

And yes...its unfortunate but schools allow all kinds of stupid stuff to happen. Anything that advances the liberal agenda, that is. It's part of what's wrong with the country.
Good for you. My wife & I no longer watch HGTV because that network is constantly promoting that trash, I reach for the remote at the first hint of that agenda being used for "entertainment"
if it looks like a degenerate
and it talks like a degenerate
and promotes the agenda of degenerates
then it probably is ellen degenerate
Lots of women watch that crap like they are brainwashed somehow. Lots of women will also vote for Hillary because she is a woman. Blind stupidity.
That's just what this country needs.(WTF)
Exposing todays youth to unconventional lifestyles, as to be different and maybe attract
attention. That's all it is, these young kids need not be questioned of their sexual
orientation and telling them its ok to be gay. Let them figure it out themselves.

I feel sorry for my kids (in college) Their the ones that will have to deal with it in the
future. Hopefully Ill be long gone by then.
reminds me of a few years back when......some many women were all excited about THAT brave, friesty woman from Alaska that wanted to be Pres. THAT could see Russia from from kitchen window!!???
Actually, the Palin statement totally morphed my the left media. That is not what she said at all. She stated you could see Russia from Alaska.
Actually, the Palin statement totally morphed my the left media. That is not what she said at all. She stated you could see Russia from Alaska.

queers ! actually a world of difference between sara and the freaks!