Email From "Assassin"

That's actually a really awesome idea to use against all the scammers out there.

When they want money for whatever reason (processing fees for your millions of dollars in some bank in nigeria or whatever), mail them a big fat stack of Monopoly Money and a note that says "Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect Two Hundred Dollars."

Edit : when they complain about the "money" tell them that (the monopoly money) it is the only currency used in the United States anymore (or your particular State), and that Money Orders have been banned as well.

makes me think of my great uncle, sitting on the couch at 98 years old with the weekly pile of junk mail. He would pull out the junk of one envelope, scrible all over it and send it back in a DIFFERENT envelope! I used to crack up, companies getting other companies junk!
I got a text threat from a scammer once. We traced it to a cell phone in boston. It just happens that my friend's wife is from boston. I was able to give them specific places in boston to meet so they could carry out their threats. They declined. What followed was a daily barrage of EXTREMELY vile and vulgar insults from me that lasted a few weeks. They weakly tried to rebuff my attack in broken english. Eventually the phone went out of service. :sad2:
Someone at Maricopa county sheriff's office would love to see that email. need help?

Well i tried, i kept getting an Error when i tried to send it off. i was going to either call and get a department email addy or print it out and go to the local hub.

tellem to come on, you and your 45 are waitin forem, givem a few f---u`s too!:finga:

damn straight
So if you pay this guy $8K, he'll "spear" your life? Sounds painful. The last thing my co-workers would want is me dead; my employer is too cheap to replace me, and everyone else will be busting their *** trying to cover my share of the work!
I got a text threat from a scammer once. We traced it to a cell phone in boston. It just happens that my friend's wife is from boston. I was able to give them specific places in boston to meet so they could carry out their threats. They declined. What followed was a daily barrage of EXTREMELY vile and vulgar insults from me that lasted a few weeks. They weakly tried to rebuff my attack in broken english. Eventually the phone went out of service. :sad2:

I like this guy's solution:

In a nutshell, he bought a PS3 and some games online but they were never delivered, so he started sending the entire works of Shakespeare to the seller. By text message. He would copy and paste an entire play from the internet into one message on his phone, and when he hit send his phone would split the plays up into 160 character texts and sent them all out. So far, the guy that stiffed him has gotten nearly 30k texts containing the works of Shakespeare, 160 characters at a time.
You could always use his email address and register to a bunch of sleazy **** sites so they keep bombarding him with emails....
I like this guy's solution:

In a nutshell, he bought a PS3 and some games online but they were never delivered, so he started sending the entire works of Shakespeare to the seller. By text message. He would copy and paste an entire play from the internet into one message on his phone, and when he hit send his phone would split the plays up into 160 character texts and sent them all out. So far, the guy that stiffed him has gotten nearly 30k texts containing the works of Shakespeare, 160 characters at a time.

Honestly, I'm a little surprised he hasn't been busted for harassment.

(Of course...many phones can block texts from certain the dude might just have blocked him.)
I don't think the guy getting the texts would want to go to the cops about this. He basically stole the other guy's money. That would be like someone going to the cops because someone else stole his weed!
It's...Britain. If you are mugged and fight the guy off, they give him immunity to testify against you!
well thanks a lot for spilling the beans you guys , there goes my" Self Defense " defense , I was positive it was 8 or 9 guys I don't like and this darn email was the perfect excuse to whack the lot of them , hey if they can call it proactive policing I can call it proactive defense can't I ?