End of Prohibition - Have a Drink!



Orig Stealth Mod
Jul 13, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento Area, CA
Today (April 7th) marks the 75th anniversary of the end of Prohibition. Have a nice alcoholic beverage of your choice to celebrate folks.

A nice Crown and Coke for me today!! Not yet though. I'm out trimming trees. Chain saw and Alcohol probably not a good combo:)
No, I'm just a desperate homeowner trying to trim some trees. I let them go and it damaged a couple. My peach tree had so many peaches last year it actually broke some major limbs. Also had to trim my mulberry tree so I could sit under it this summer and enjoy the shade.
A nice Crown and Coke for me today!! Not yet though. I'm out trimming trees. Chain saw and Alcohol probably not a good combo:)

your're right about that. We had to fire a guy a couple years ago for drinking on the job! He was shitfaced by lunchtime! We did have a guy cut his hand pretty bad with a chainsaw who was under the influence at the time-NOT pretty!
Jack & coke for me...........Thanks
Just be grateful you don't live in some stoneage muslim country where they beat you for having alcohol. However, there are still many counties in this country that are still "dry". You should visit some. They have the most delicious moonshine. Nascar anybody?
Just be grateful you don't live in some stoneage muslim country where they beat you for having alcohol.

If I drink enough, I won't feel the beating (well, at least not when the beating is actually taking place). ;-) Whoa, this reminds of a story from my brother's bachelor party - a lot of police batons, a couple of paddy wagon rides and an orange jumpsuit! ;-)