Engine bay color change help



Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2008
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OK, so I have the typical problem where some previous owner thought they had a gm and painted the engine bay black. I found some threads where people claim engine degreaser, or carb cleaner, or something removes the black- no such luck and there are places that have no paint at all.

So my problem is I won't be painting the car anytime soon, and I don't want to do a full on sand/primer/paint the engine bay- is there a good temporary solution?

I keep thinking some idiot bought a can of black spray paint, that maybe I could buy a can of green spray paint and be an idiot too!

I just really hate the black.
This honestly works and will last for years if you take care of it.

Have some body color paint mixed and put in spray cans. Get some of the recommended primer in spray cans. Clean, clean, then scuff with a scotch brite pad. Mask off/remove what you can then paint.

It works so well, I can't understand why people use black.
There is a body shop supply place near my work, maybe they would do that?
I suppose the regular auto parts stores wouldn't have such a service.
I ran across this thread just in time, I was starting on my engine compartment tomorrow! I have the same issue, BLACK! I will have to try and have my white matched. I know I cannot do it exactly the same due to my paint being a 3 part system (base,pearl,clear) but hopefully a good paint guy can come close. Thanks for the insight!8)
There is a body shop supply place near my work, maybe they would do that?
I suppose the regular auto parts stores wouldn't have such a service.

Most auto paint stores can do it. I had mine made at NAPA. Never hurts to have some body color in a spray can.
years ago when i did my dart i sand balasted the engine bay while not affecting the couple year old paint on the body. its not hard to do. if ya just want a temp solution just get some spray paint and redo the black. do it right or don't waste your time.
Just finishing up doing mine. I had it a little easier because I went with white since the top portion of the car is white. Wanted to try and match the yellow but this was cheaper and I am on a budget.

Just take your time...remove everything you can....use painters tape and aluminum foil to cover what you can't remove. I used an old sheet to totally cover the engine. Unbolted and pulled master cylinder away from the firewall.

It's not as good as if I pulled the engine...but it works for me.

I still need to pull the disty and wiper motor and finish up back behind the engine...

Don't be in a hurry and you will be happy with the results.




Over the years I've found that automotive lacquer thinner will remove rattle can black 9 out of 10 times...
Almost every black under hood paint job I've come across has been the rattle can verity.
Just finishing up doing mine. I had it a little easier because I went with white since the top portion of the car is white. Wanted to try and match the yellow but this was cheaper and I am on a budget.

Just take your time...remove everything you can....use painters tape and aluminum foil to cover what you can't remove. I used an old sheet to totally cover the engine. Unbolted and pulled master cylinder away from the firewall.

It's not as good as if I pulled the engine...but it works for me.

I still need to pull the disty and wiper motor and finish up back behind the engine...

Don't be in a hurry and you will be happy with the results.


Looks much better
I checked NAPA today- not only did they never hear of mixing and putting paint in spray cans, they could not even locate GG1 (dark green metallic).
They were able to find a mix that comes close, whatever that means.
I'm so sick of painting em body color and then later wanting to change the body color.......I love em painted body color untill I wanna change the dang body color.........ya'll can critisize me all ya want when I finally do it but when I lay down a coat of black paint the shine will blind ya!!!! then again one day I'll paint the car black....never owned a black car with one of my paintjob's on it....It's on my bucket list and red interior is on the bucket list too!!!!
I checked NAPA today- not only did they never hear of mixing and putting paint in spray cans, they could not even locate GG1 (dark green metallic).
They were able to find a mix that comes close, whatever that means.

Lazy and uninformed parts people.
Well, they actually called the larger store, called me back, then called me back 2 more times. Each time trying to locate the correct information. A lot of times 67 parts and info is unavailable, but 68 is- they tried that as well and that is how they came up with a close match.
I still think they are good at some things, but apparently not paint.
There is an Auto Value place near me, and they are really good. They actually look through books when I ask for something as the computers usually don't list stuff. But I am probably getting off track here.

On to the auto body supply company.
If you called a local NAPA parts store that is the wrong place. NAPA paint is what you want. They make and sell all paint related products. They do offer custom paint in rattle cans. I researched it awhile back. Good luck with your engine bay. P.S. (mine is black too)
Good luck on your venture. I live in the sticks and nobody, I mean NOBODY, but a Chrysler dealer has any date codes that date back past the '80s.
I'm so sick of painting em body color and then later wanting to change the body color.......I love em painted body color untill I wanna change the dang body color.........ya'll can critisize me all ya want when I finally do it but when I lay down a coat of black paint the shine will blind ya!!!! then again one day I'll paint the car black....never owned a black car with one of my paintjob's on it....It's on my bucket list and red interior is on the bucket list too!!!!

how the hell often do you change the body color??
Check the phone book for a autobody "supply" shop. I had my Sassy Grass mixed and and two spray cans done for $48 and still enough left over for more in the future if I need it.
I got started on mine this week. My firewall, inner fenders, and core support was not only black but also undercoating! It looks like it was a professional job and probably done back in the day. I have stripped the core support (both sides), most of the firewall, and one inner fender. I have been using a 4 1/2" grinder equiped with a wire rope type disc. This works really well to remove all the paint down to bare steel. The finish takes primer great and will only need to be "scuffed" with a sctchbrite pad before I spray it. The car is a three part pearl job so I will have to settle for one shot base white that matches minus the pearl. I will try to post pictures tonight!
I don't....see the point if I change color on one I have to pull a lot of stuff to do the job right......I was painting my waggin light ice blue then changed my mind so the engine compartment is still that color and the rest of the car is white....I kinda Like paintin stuff
how the hell often do you change the body color??

cut in.JPG

I did mine in satin black, when I painted the car I thought (and still do) that a body colored engine bay would be too much green on this car. I know that Dodge painted the engine bay body color but there is not much of what Dodge did left in my car...
From the same auto body supply place that I want to check for paint, I once bought a small co2 paint gun that was self contained.
It looks like a small spray can with a reservoir at the bottom.
I used it when I was wet sanding and needed to touch up the primer, or locate high/low spots, when I painted my other car.
It actually worked very well, and I am thinking it will be perfect to do the engine bay, and trunk.
The other day I was at the local parts store and they have a new section of 'factory' paint in spray cans. They had 1 can of "Chrysler forest green pearl PG8." Not the color of my car, but I just couldn't stand the black any more.
GG1 is the original color of my car, but the previous repaint is lighter.
Keep in mind, the idea was to get rid of the black and not do a complete tear down, sandblast, paint job. I re-sprayed the radiator support black as it is pretty rusty and hacked up.
I also sprayed the engine while I was at it, and will finish that up when I replace the valve covers and intake.
So here are the results.
What you can't see are all of the scratches, dings, etc, on the inner fenders- but no more black!


