Ever see a ghost?

I do not believe in Ghost.

Ecclesiastes 9:5

For whoever is joined with all the living, there is hope; surely a live dog is better than a dead lion. For the living know they will die; but the dead do not know anything, nor have they any longer a reward, for their memory is forgotten. Indeed their love, their hate and their zeal have already perished, and they will no longer have a share in all that is done under the sun.
I went to look at a '65 mustang at a female friends house back when I was a teenager.
Her 1/2 brother had committed suicide a few months earlier and her parents were coming to grips with needing to sell the car.
The parents weren't home when I was there, and I was really just trying to help asses the situation as she had asked me what it was worth and if I thought I could get it running.
289 auto notch back. Typical 1st gen mustang rust but particularly bad floorboards.
Super soft brakes.

I tinkered with it a bit and managed to get it started.
It was a bit chilly, so we went back into the house while it warmed up.
About 3 minutes later we heard a clunk, and saw the car headed backwards down the driveway.
It turned into the street, and then the wheels turned all the way to the other lock.
Every time it went over a curb or bump, the steering altered it's path a bit.
We were racing on foot across several tree filled yards and driveways with parked cars, not to mention the street, also with parked cars...to try to catch up.
We caught it about four houses down, on the other side on the street, circlinig a large tree in someone's front yard.
I thought about the situation for a bit, and as it came around, I paced it, and slung the door open. On the next pass, I ran along side, and jumped in.
I put it in neutral and pumped the brakes, then managed to get it back to their driveway.

Was it the brother F'ing with us from beyond?
I didn't know him, but that sure is something I'd do if it's possible.
Seems unlikely that NOTHING was hit, trees, cars, houses...and there were PLENTY around.
There is a friendly ghost at my job. When I started 6 years ago there was "area 51" spray painted on the walls in several places in the 20 x 30 shop/room I work in, alone. I asked the previous employee what it meant and he said "you will see"! It started with a clock that I owned for several years and would not keep correct time in the new shop. I asked and was told clocks do not work in that shop. I did not believe him so he traded clocks with his from the other side of the building. I show up early Monday morning and his clock in my area is 20 minutes slow and my clock in his area is correct? This went on until I gave up and no longer have a clock in my area. Next started the shadows. At different places in the shop I would be working and out of the corner of my eye I would see someone standing watching me and I would turn to see who it was and no one was there. This freaked me out the first 80 times it happened but am now used to it. I did see him one time late one night when I was leaving. I sensed something and stopped to listen and look and in a window's reflection I saw I tall thin black shadow in the shape of a person with no features looking in the direction of where I was, not the glass I saw him in. I was truly frightened. I started yelling "who is there, show yourself" and "it" slowly hid behind a 5 foot tall machine in the area I saw him in. With my heart pounding, I forced myself over to the machine and looked behind it. Nothing was there. That only happened once. Now it is the daily tools missing and after looking for them for 20 minutes they show up back where I originally had them and still see shadows out of the corner of my eye but have gotten use to them. I recently talked again with the previous employee I replace and he told me the guy he replaced here committed suicide and often complained about a ghost and the person before him when it was another company, committed suicide but no one knows if he had any ghost events. Nothing violent has ever happened to me and I get the impression the ghost was and is a practical joker. Every new employee since I have been there has at one time commented about weird things happening to them in my area of the building and no clock has ever worked correctly and we have tried several. If I wasn't so busy I would call those ghost hunters you see on TV and let them document what I see every day. It no longer frightens me, it's just annoying sometimes.
I ain't afraid of no ghost. But this thread is a zombie.

One thing I've noticed is that there are never seem to be any dogs in the haunted house movies.
My theory is that dogs will ward off evil spirits. Dogs have to much positive energy and poltergeist don't like them.


Dogs seem to sense things on a different level, such as they can sense an epileptic seizure and warn their keepers. It really unerves me when a dog, hair standing up, is barking wildly staring at a wall. It doesn't seem to be the normal house creaking from cooling off kind of thing that gets them amped up. One of my dogs used to do this at our last house. We have 2 family members that room with us and there just always seemed to be family drama going on there. The new house the dog is quiet and everybody gets along better. Coincidence maybe, but I think a house can give a good or bad vibe that affects the people in it.
I have had some experiences and have lots of stories that have been shared with me. There is definitely a spirit realm (where the angels are) and keep in mind that 1/3 of the angels were cast out of heaven with Satan when he thought he could overturn God. I respect it but am very careful with things, as I don't want to invite the bad spirits into my life or home. My wife and I regularly pray over every room of our house just to make sure they know they aren't welcome here. I've had some strange happenings at my house in the past, which prompted our prayer activity.
Back when I was a young teen 73 or so, a friend convinced me to go check out this old house.
The only open entrance was through the basement under the back porch. We made our way up a grand staircase to the attic, where their was tons of old letters, newspapers,strung all over the floor. The roof had holes big enough that birds could access. Most of the upper layers of papers were covered in bird crap and water damage. Underneath most had survived well.
The letters you couldn`t make out the handwriting. The oldest newspaper I found dated to the civil war! I have these to this day.
Fast forward to early 90s. I was showing my girlfriend the papers and she just had to go check out the old house. Reluctantly I took her there and all the old papers were still in the attic. She went through some letters and took some home. As we layed in bed that night, She asked I wonder if spirits could attach themselves to objects? No sooner the words came out of her mouth my door slowly swung open. I was petrified, I couldn`t move nor she, I finally calmed down enough to get up and investigate, nothing there. I`ve been in my house 10 years prior and 35 years total and that door has never moved on its own before or since.
Freaked me out. She became obsessed with the history of the house and found it to have been built in 1840s era. I think the lady of the house Knew of what a slut she was and didn`t approve of her taking her letters.:D
I have never seen any thing personally so I am still skeptical. I have not seen space aliens, big foot, or the loch ness monster either. But I will let you know if I do.

This thread is back from the dead. That count? If not then still no. I did see Elvis in Vegas once. He was eating a jelly donut.
Have I ever seen a ghost? Only after lunch on payday.

"I saw a warewolf drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic's, and his hair was perfect"!
I was in the back set riding down a gravel road in a wooded area back in the late 70es and looked out the back window and seen something that looked like a monkey running behind the car with his hand on the back of the trunk
I was in Bono Arkansas, I gives me chills just thinking about it.

Wow...spooky...great description too...Marla