EZ Ebay question



Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2005
Reaction score
Klamath County, Oregon

I finally went and got going on the Ebay thing. It went well and 3 out of 4 have already paid etc.

That end is fine so far. I actually am shipping most of it out tomorrow.

Here is the deal:

A guy bids, buys and so forth a part for $16.00 shipped. Good enough and I haven't boxed his parts up yet. He wanted another low buck part that did not quite make reserve. Now he is asking me , through Ebays email system, to sell it to him.

I don't want to sound like a school girl or something, but I really don't want to do the wrong thing. It is like $8.00 more. Do I just have him send me the remainder, or relist or what? Of course then you get into the whole fee thing again.

I should ad that this is my first exposure to actually selling and it went well. I would like to do some more, more in the interest of cleaning up the shelves than getting rich or anything.

How do you handle this?

or How would you?

Thanks, ROB
I am about ten years too late to the EBay party, but I did get rid of some stuff and made about $250 to go the Mopar show this weekend so that is good.

There is a thing on there where you can send a second chance offer. I just did that and he paid already so it is over. I just need to ship him the parts.

Thanks for the input. ROB