F.A.B.O. windshield decals

Got the decals today. To bad its to cold to put it on. Give me a week to have them all boxed up and shipped. I need to pick up some packing meterails for them.
They came out really nice. I'll get a picture later but its going to be hard to see. I cant put it on my car yet. It needs to be at least 55 out for it to stick right and we just got about a foot of snow last night.
Heres some pictures. I'll have them all packed up this weekend. they should go out in the begining of the week.


looks awsome. cant wait to get it. now decisions, decisions. put on the turbo dart on the back window (have the big block dart one on front) or put it on my slant six dart........hmmmm.......
OK guys heres an update. Its gonna be a week or two before I can get these out. I'm really sorry for the delays but Im in a pretty big jam here right now. Please feel free to PM me if you want alittle more info.

Again I'm very sorry for the delay. I'm feeling like a real *** right now.
Things are looking up guys. I should have them out by next weekend. Let me know if you need anything.
I'm headed out later to pick up the packing materials. I'll have it all sent out this week. thanks for understanding guys !