f*****n theives



young gun
Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
Venus Texas
They broke into my girlfriends house threw her sisters window while she was in the bathroom and my girl and I were in the living room.....

As soon as her SIS walked out of the bathroom she stepped into her room and saw the guy jump out of her window the guy took off running to the gateway car and spun off in some kind of import while I was running down the street trying to find out what kind of car it was.

Luckily no one got hurt and all he had time to steal was her cell phone, it happen within a minute now the cops are here doing an investigation and tracking the phone online... Dumbasss theives hope they get caught....:banghead:
Skin em alive man...Im not too happy that noone was hurt because the sorry SOB should have been..Glad that you guys are ok though
Ya dude I wish I woulda ran outside one min prior tackle his *** down kick him in his balls so he doesn't move then pull the guy in the car out and kick his ***.... Man all if this stuff is running in my head like if I woulda caught him or if I bad time to Chase them down in my truck or ...... But o well now the cops are in a neighborhood searching for some suspicious guys I mean they are close to finding them because of the lookout mobile security app that's on the phone
yeah thats what I would have tried to do bro. Your girl must be freaked out as well as hee sister. Hopefully they catch the guys..too bad their not like the cops here. One kid stole a friend of mines dirtbike when we were young, and the cop caught the kid and told my friend that if my friend beat his *** then he didnt see anything lol.
yeah thats what I would have tried to do bro. Your girl must be freaked out as well as hee sister. Hopefully they catch the guys..too bad their not like the cops here. One kid stole a friend of mines dirtbike when we were young, and the cop caught the kid and told my friend that if my friend beat his *** then he didnt see anything lol.

Lol I wish man now that's justice served
And he took that oppourtunity..the cop just said that the kid started to run and my buddy had chased him down, and when the thief tried to hit him he defended himself lol
Sorry to hear! Pretty frickin brave to do it while all you are still home. Another reason to not own an import.
This brings up a question, What if I could not get contole of my dog and be chaced him out the window and tagged the thief and bit him in the face ??
Would I be in troble ?
I am glad no one in your home was hurt duster731.
This brings up a question, What if I could not get control of my dog and be chased him out the window and tagged the thief and bit him in the face ??
Would I be in trouble ?
I am glad no one in your home was hurt duster731.

Unfortunately in our whacked society you could be. As well as being sued by said person for damages. Isn't it great.
Unfortunately in our whacked society you could be. As well as being sued by said person for damages. Isn't it great.
Thank you Badsport, I guess it's a good thing I have a small home and Buddy is usually at my feet. He would be a hand full to stop, I wish that when some one brakes a law like said in this thread they loose some of there right's we are given........
You would think the law would be on our side in instances like this, which they are to an extent, but they are also on the side of the criminal.

Some years ago in the state where I grew up they had this very situation and the homeowner was sued for dog bites incurred from when the perp broke into the home of the dog owner. If I recall the homeowners insurance covered the medical expenses.

Even in Michigan under the castle doctrine we can stop an intruder with lethal force if necessary, but can also be held civilly liable by the family of the intruder. Seems nuts to me but that's the way it is.
Hope they catch him. But if you catch him throw a hood over his head gag hm take him to the woods find a tree with lots of ant hills,strip him. Tie him to the tree hugging style and pour honey all over him.
old tired rebel, I like how you think. Man that sucks sorry to hear about this, but glad everyone was ok.
old tired rebel, I like how you think. Man that sucks sorry to hear about this, but glad everyone was ok.

I hate to say this. But that actually happened to my Brother in law father who was a cop and chased a criminal into another state. I would say some good ol boys broke him of that. He never got his man.
Unfortunately in our whacked society you could be. As well as being sued by said person for damages. Isn't it great.

True some yrs ago a burgarler was on a roof trying to brake into someone's house and he fell threw the roof and broke his leg when he landed in the house..

The owner showed up and found him on the ground next thing you know the crook sued the owner of the house and won like a couple hundred thousand.. I'm no to sure where it happened but it did
Thats wwhy everyone should have a dog!
But im glad all is well with you and yours.


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Last night when they pinpointed the phone down in norco somehow they caught one guy and was on a foot Chase with the other but got away. That was there house that they took the phone two (dumbasses) and the car was a 300 zx I described the taillights to the cops and that was the car they found where the phone was.. this morning on the way to work I saw a 30/ zx and that's exactly what the taillights were and it had a ricer exhaust on it
Hey Duster,
That is the problem with Ca. A robber can break into your house and then sue you if you shoot them. That's why I say if you shoot them, shoot to kill that way they cannot sue.

I lived in SoCal for over 25 years and now live in Texas which is a state that you can shoot and kill anyone that you feel is a threat to yo, or your neighbor. And not get sued.

I am glad they caught the person, at least some Justice is found.