FABO Secret Santa 2010 sign up

All PM's replied to. We are getting a great turnout. I think we already have about 20 people signed up in only a few days.
All PM replied to again. This is gonna be great, we are adding 1-3 people a day right now.
This is who we have so far, If you are not on the list and want to be, PM me your info:

Small Block
Evan Pratt
I would have figured of all people that Leanna would have jumped in on this by now.....she normally is all about things to do with the fabo community.

there are a few others that are the same way that I have not seen chime in.

maybe this thread just needs more exposure to keep it on top more often.

we don't need to make it a 16,000 member event.....but it would be nice to get a good chunk of the core members involved.

either way though, looks like we are going to have a good turn out to say the least.

thanks for putting this on by the way......once again it was a great idea!:cheers:
I fill the same way ... I thought there would be more people jumping in.

I was a scrooge last year so I'm trying to get the Christmas spirit going early.
There are about 25 people signed up so far. They are from all over the U.S. and 5 or 6 from Canada. So that should be enough to have a pretty diverse croud and be a lot of fun.
This is about what I expected for the first year of bringing the FABO family together.
Less than a week left... then you get your prey to hunt and stalk, looking for the perfect gift.

They way I am thinking of doing this is, putting all the names in a hat and the first person I pick will be the person I buy for. Then 2nd name drawn goes to the 1st person, 3rd to the 2nd and so on. Then whoever is the last will then buy for me. I think that will be the most fair way.
Any other suggestions are welcome.
Tomorrow is the last day for signups. Tomorrow night I am going to be randomly splitting up the participants and sending out the PM's with the pertinant info.
Happy Holidays to all.
If it helps to get more participants, this can also be secret hanukkah!!!
All Secret Santa participants have been sent a PM and assigned a participating member to buy for. If there are any issues or conflicts, PM me.
Don't forget, you can also PM Joeychgo if you want to buy a membership as a gift, this also helps support this great site.
Still waiting on 1 person to confirm their PM. I figured it was long enough, so I called his house and left a message with a family member to check his PM's. Just wanted to make sure this Secret Santa goes off without a hitch and nobody gets screwed out of a present.
HO HO HO, Merry Christmas!!!!!
Still waiting on 1 person to confirm their PM. I figured it was long enough, so I called his house and left a message with a family member to check his PM's. Just wanted to make sure this Secret Santa goes off without a hitch and nobody gets screwed out of a present.
HO HO HO, Merry Christmas!!!!!


It would be nice if members recieve there gift that they post it here. So that we know they got them and can keep it a secret.