FABO Spelling IQ

Here is the spell checked version ............................................

envy that can raced this Rosalie your had.

I consult bleeder that I clod salacity Tuesday what I was Danzig. The
phenomenal power of the human mid, accruing to a schemer at Cambridge
Inerts, it denote maestri in what overdry the letterers in a word are, the
colony Pratt ting is that the first and last Latter be in the right
place. The ret can be a tarot muses and you can still raced it whodunit a
Boer. This is because the human mid demos not raced every letter by
isle, but the word as a woe. Zoning huh? Yaweh and I alas thought
spelling was important! If you can raced this forward it

A perfect example of why you should never trust spellcheck

you know whats more fun, is swapping the letters on two syllable words.

SpellCheck would be Chellspeck. Butterfly would be Flutterby...etc.

Try talking like this for a day and see how many people you can confuse or just make mad.

Sometimes on rare occasions the new word makes sense.
envy that can raced this Rosalie your had.

I consult bleeder that I clod salacity Tuesday what I was Danzig. The
phenomenal power of the human mid, accruing to a schemer at Cambridge
Inerts, it denote maestri in what overdry the letterers in a word are, the
colony Pratt ting is that the first and last Latter be in the right
place. The ret can be a tarot muses and you can still raced it whodunit a
Boer. This is because the human mid demos not raced every letter by
isle, but the word as a woe. Zoning huh? Yaweh and I alas thought
spelling was important! If you can raced this forward it

Now THIS ONE I can READ! Makes perfect sense to me! :-D
you know whats more fun, is swapping the letters on two syllable words.

SpellCheck would be Chellspeck. Butterfly would be Flutterby...etc.

Try talking like this for a day and see how many people you can confuse or just make mad.

Sometimes on rare occasions the new word makes sense.
