


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2009
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Nova Scotia

Trying to make form so I can have some metal fabrication done...I tried plaster and paris..but it is too brittle and breaks every time I try to take it out..

Is there such a thing as rubbery plastic that I can pour it into the mold, let it harden and just pull out ?

Oh, did I say cheap to use ? :)

I suspect that if anyone knows, it will be someone on this board.

What is your form material and can it be destroyed once the template is done ? Depending on material and shape would coating the form with a light coating of lightweight grease then laying up a layer of fiberglass cloth then painting with resin work ?
Clue us in on what it is your trying to do. We can then be better able to help. Are you casting steel, doing fiberglass molds. Give us a clue.
Small Block
Yes, I should have given more information.

It is a plastic mold with complex angles that I cannot destroy...and I cannot pop out straight...it has to come out on a slight angle. I need to pass this to a metal fabricator to cut a chunk of aluminum for me.

With the plaster of paris, is said to keep the inside of the mold wet..did that and it broke..so next time, I used PAM..sprayed a heavy coat..as will as lined the object with 3 strips of saran wrap to distribute the pulling load..again, it broke.

I was thinking of some rubbery substance..I was actually thinking of the stuff the myth busters use to make dummies but i didn't get their recipe when they gave it our.

Any ideas ?

Bingo ! Blindsquirrel, this is what I have been looking for. I wonder if the mold will keep it's shape for awhile. Regardless, this is perfect.

A big thank you to all that responded.