Fan shroud

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I have one for a 74 318 car with A/C. I can send pictures tonight after work. Pm me your email. $30 plus shipping.

I have one here you can have. it is split for some reason. never seen one do this before. You can have it if you pay the shipping. my zip code is 41035 if you want to figure the approx. shipping cost. I pulled it together and it seams up nice. If you use a good epoxy will prolly hold. it will be better once it is bolted in. up to you. I wont sell this. it was laying around. It is about 21+ inches inside the ring. 22 outside.let me know. Bill


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I have one here you can have. it is split for some reason. never seen one do this before. You can have it if you pay the shipping. my zip code is 41035 if you want to figure the approx. shipping cost. I pulled it together and it seams up nice. If you use a good epoxy will prolly hold. it will be better once it is bolted in. up to you. I wont sell this. it was laying around. It is about 21+ inches inside the ring. 22 outside.let me know. Bill

Thanks for the generous offer, Bill. I'm going to hold off in hopes of finding one that does not need repairs.
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