


FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Ontario Parts Unknown
Thats what my dad affectionately called my Grandpa's Dodge Fargo! Name suited it, apparently when you hit the gas you wouldnt get much but a big cloud of carbon out the arse end of it. I remember it being two-tone red and white. I would love to track one down for sentimental reasons. Grampa is gone, but Grandma is still here. She would get a kick out of it. One that is fairly close to stock. Doesnt have to be original, but stock would be nice. Keep on the lookout for one for me. I am in Ontario Canada. You can email me cuda169*hotmail.com Thanks!:burnout:
What year Fargo might you be talking about here?
Not sure what the year was, I saw a pic of a 70 and it looks older than that. Know any good sites that shows the different years?
In 50's and 60's they called Dodge trucks in Canada Fargos versus Dodges - who knows why?....
Actually Fargo was a US manufacturer up until the mid-50s. They made light and medium duty trucks and several different harvesters. They also had a contract and provided 2-1/2 ton trucks to the military. I believe that Dodge acquired them in the late 50s but I have seen Fargo trucks up to about 61 or 62. Don't know their place of manufacture though.

Here's a link to some Fargo truck history.


Us Canadians got lucky with Mercury trucks as well as Fargo trucks.

Here's a picture of my 56 Fargo COE. They were known as C series. Cab was used all the way till 1975 for large trucks. Pickup was similar from 55 thru early 60's. Grill changes in 57 and again in 58 to quad headlights.

..........Fart n go originated from the 50s, or possibly earlier from the cold blooded flat head sixes.................kim...........
Here is a article I found, thanks for the Allpar link too Gryznx! , Gramps truck was similar to the dodge "dude" truck, but in Canada they were Fargo's.and of course about the only option(s) would have been an am radio and 2 tone red and white paint!! She was a farm truck for sure. LOL Doesnt look like there are too many pics out there. I did the goggle image search and it showed quite a few of the larger ones from the 50's and 60's but not much into the 70's. I definitely like the "Dude" trucks too!!
