Favorite BBQ Sauce/Recipe!

There is nothing else in this world like moose. It is the top of the ladder when it comes to the deer family.
If your ever up this way you will have to let me know and I'll have a nice steak for you.

Jack, if I ever get up that way I'm gonna make you take me out where I can bag one for myself! :toothy6:
You really have to try it on chicken, made up another batch on the weekend,
I had made it exactly according to recipe the 1st time as Rob had suggested which was great, now I'm starting to add some cajun spice and some extra garlic which I'm big on. Damn, that's good stuff! :toothy7: I bbq chicken off heat so it doesn't burn. Next time we'll be doing Pork ribs, can't wait!
Plywood grills??? Somethings just not right with that picture...

I have a standing offer to anybody on the board that can get a New Brunswick moose license, that I will take them for free. I just want a little of the meat. I'm not a pro guide but we have filled 23 out of 27 license's from my camp since 1990. there were no calves and we have got a few big ones. This is a 3 day hunt once a year. I will post a few pics tomorrow of last years bounty.

Coyote Jack said:

I have a standing offer to anybody on the board that can get a New Brunswick moose license, that I will take them for free. I just want a little of the meat. I'm not a pro guide but we have filled 23 out of 27 license's from my camp since 1990. there were no calves and we have got a few big ones. This is a 3 day hunt once a year. I will post a few pics tomorrow of last years bounty.


Let me know what the details of licensing are for me. I need a vacation. I wonder if I can get on a plane with my 30/30 these days... :salute:
I don't think a .30-30 gonna do anything but piss that moose off. You might want to think about a .30-06 at the very minimum! :)
entropy said:
Let me know what the details of licensing are for me. I need a vacation. I wonder if I can get on a plane with my 30/30 these days... :salute:
I'm a Alberta Metis can I hunt there year round like in alberta??
Thanks for the recipe, we tried it last evening on chicken and pork shoulder.
We loved it!

It's a little to late for you to apply for this year. There is a limit of 100 license's for non-resident hunters and it is done by draw. That doesn't sound to good until you see how many apply each year. It works out that you have about a 1 in 12 chance of getting drawn. You don't have to worry about a rifle, I have lots of rifle's hehe


The rules are a little different here. Metis have no special rights here, they have to play by the same rules I do. The natives can only hunt in the areas of thier traditional band.

Here are a couple of pics of last years hunt. It was all over by 8am the first morning. The biggest one had an estimated weight of 1200lbs and we got 650lbs of meat out of it. Not the biggest we ever got but a good one.

That's me 3rd from the left.



I see 4 moose heads. Three on the porch and one on the hood! LOL! Looks like a very succesful hunt.