
yup, just about anytime I cant pronounce it you know its a brawler of a disease
yup, just about anytime I cant pronounce it you know its a brawler of a disease
Yes it is....

Sorry to bring this up....trying to keep to myself.....but the wife is just getting her *** handed to her today by this effed up "syndrome".....and there ain't a damn thing that can be done for about feeling helpless.....
its always worse when it is in our loved ones and there is no way we can carry the burden, no matter how bad we would want to

hope she feels better
My wife deals with this as well. Some days she just can't even get out of bed. You both have our sympathies.
My wife deals with this as well. Some days she just can't even get out of bed. You both have our sympathies.

Ernies record for not getting out of her PJ's has been 8 straight days. She has a 2 day quilting class she has her heart set on going to on Friday-Saturday of this week, hope she is up to it.

When she is having days like today I do my best to not even touch her.

Sorry that your wife is going thru this as well.
Yeah, not only does she deal with fibro, my wife also has Crohn's disease. Thank God she's not a horse. She would have been taken out to the pasture and shot a long time ago. And, of course, I would have been arrested for bestiality. But that's beside the point...
What do you mean, "not the same thing"? They're both opioid transdermal systems. I know fentanyl is stronger (Class 2 vs. butrans Class 3), but aside from that what's the difference? There will still be withdrawals.
What do you mean, "not the same thing"? They're both opioid transdermal systems. I know fentanyl is stronger (Class 2 vs. butrans Class 3), but aside from that what's the difference? There will still be withdrawals.

That's the difference. Fentanyl is stronger. Side effects and withdrawal, tend to be less.
Yeah, but with the withdrawals she had with the fentanyl, she does not want to go back to anything even remotely like that again if she can help it. I do thank you for the suggestion though. Maybe it's something inkjunkie and Ernie can look into if they haven't already.
Yeah, but with the withdrawals she had with the fentanyl, she does not want to go back to anything even remotely like that again if she can help it. I do thank you for the suggestion though. Maybe it's something inkjunkie and Ernie can look into if they haven't already.

That's all I offered, an option. There are a lot of drugs that are similar but not exactly the same. I had no luck with fentanyl. Butrans works for me. For the most part I stay more focused. Big deal for me since I have other issues. I hope your wife finds a pain management program that helps her.
Opiods and Ernie don't exactly see eye to eye, projectile vomiting and comatose come readily to mind. But Thanks for the suggestion.
Right now the pain is more right in her spine, rather than the fibro that makes everything hurt. She also has along with psoriatic arthritis.

Any of you folks that have psoriasis are prone to getting this.

Have either of you ever heard of the website It's a really good site offering support for people dealing with "invisible" illnesses like fibromyalgia, ankylosing spondylitis, lupus, and whatnot. Check it out if you haven't already.
Have either of you ever heard of the website It's a really good site offering support for people dealing with "invisible" illnesses like fibromyalgia, ankylosing spondylitis, lupus, and whatnot. Check it out if you haven't already.
That site is new to us,will check it out. Thanks. Funny you bring that sort of thing up. She has a sister that just likes to stir the pot. She was telling anyone in her family that would listen that Ernie & I are scam artist. Neither one of us is disabled etc. Her sister went as far as fabricating a bunch of junk about thier Dad causing his girlfriend to leave him. During a trip to AZ Ernie went and knocked on her door...Thier other sister had to pull Ernie off of her.
That's all I have. Best of luck.
Thanks Ray

Ink, sorry to hear this.

Cymbalta might help.
Ernie is still sleeping. She went and laid down at just before noon and has been sleeping since, when she wakes up I will ask her if she has ever been on it. She is very sensitive to damn near every med out there. Her rheumatologist has given numerous infusion meds. Every one of them has caused her troubles. Last one made her back start to spasm badly. Her blood pressure dropped and her heart rate soared. She said the pain rivaled child birth.
Thanks for the suggestion.
My wife also has fibromyalgia. The doctors were quick to prescribe Cymbalta and a few other medications. They helped a little but not enough. She did her own research and found that some foods make the symptoms worse. She is not over the Fibromyalgia but is a lot better since she cut out wheat gluten. Every once in a while she will cheat and have a sliver of cake or something and is paying the price the next day. Might be something for you to look into.