Final sanding



Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2007
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Hi there........I finished sanding the body with 320 grit . I want to make sure the paint sticks. Is this too agressive or should I finish with 400. I will shoot the car with SS dupont centurai acrylic enamal.
We go to 600 wet for the final blocking. The shop next to use gos 800 but that's scary to me.

even with 400 wet you will be able to see your self in the primer.
Thanks for the info ............................
Also depends on the type of paper you're using, 320 is really pushing your luck no matter what. In Canada we have P grade paper, the US has Cami grade, 400P grade is a lot coarser than Cami. Personally I final sand with 600 wet
Rob, I believe the paper we use is all P grade. I know our 600 is P grade.
I was always told 600 wet is the same as 400 dry. If you are painting a solid color with no metalic then 320 is ok, if you are painting metalic go with 400. Either way you will still have lots of adhesion as todays paints are not just mechanical adhesion but they bond chemically as well. I personally perfer to wet sand with 600 wet, it may be messy, but you can get a nice wet reflection when looking down the sides and across the roof when looking for imperfections. It is really your personal preference.
Rob, I believe the paper we use is all P grade. I know our 600 is P grade.

That's interesting, I was under the impression that most of the States used Cami grade and P grade was some sort of crazy metric thing us Canucks got stuck with :-D Botom line is you really don't want to see sand scratches in your paint but you don't want to push your luck and go so fine that it doesn't stick.
I'll check in the morning but Im pretty sure everything we have is P grade.
Ya it's p grade. I sand down to 400 or 500, depending on the color. once in a while i'll go down to 600 but that's rare for me. And i usually dry sand, the only time i wet sand is before i buff. I have wet sanded before i paint, but i prefer to dry sand.