Flashing your lights to warn of speed trap is LEGAL FREE SPEECH!

Now if you are arrogant enough to come up behind me, ride my @ss and flash your lights; then I stay in that lane maintaining my same speed until you can get a chance to get around me.[/quote]

Yep, that's ego, alright. lmao...

What makes YOU so special that I have to move out of YOUR way?
In some states, it's the law, and it's designed to alleviate the ego thing. In other instences is just common courtesy. Why start something that COULD end up involving innocents?. Like I said earlier, in a few seconds, he's gone, and if you don't do anything to make that moment memorable, it won't be.

You don't own the road
...and neither do you. Actually, We all own, and pay for, the roads with our taxes. Each of us have the exact same right to use the road as the other. That's not what this is about, though.

I have a sign on the back glass of one of my trucks that reads: "YES! In fact I DO own the road"! lol

....and I'm not obliged to let you by to keep speeding and endangering others....
In some states, you are, other you're not. It depends on that particular state's traffic laws. That said, you have about as much chance of creating a danger to others on the road by not letting the guy pass you, but encouraging road rage. That doesn't make either of you right, and could make both of you wrecked, or worse.

If you just come up behind me and keep a safe following distance and not flash the brights, I will pull over as soon as I am passed the obstacles that I am passing.
So, how would some one behind you know that? Do you have a sign on the back of your car that reads, "Don't flash and I might let you pass"?

Don't get upset, I'm Just playing devils advocate with you, There are two sides to every argument.

Why do so many people look at "flash to pass" as an insult, or a challenge? It's a common driving tool. It's not a "challenge". It's merely a signal, the same as a left or right turn signal, nothing more.

There are two occasions when you are supposed to use "Flash to Pass". One is the normal one that everyone knows (and some people take as an insult, apparently), when approaching a slower vehicle in the left lane of a multi-lane roadway. The other is when you are going to pass a vehicle on a single lane roadway, as a warning that you will going around him. I've noticed that some people even take the second reason to "Flash to pass" as an insult, as those who either don't know that courtesy, or take it as an insult, will turn on their high beams After you pass them.
Either ignorance or ego, doesn't matter. The affect is the same.
Actually, We all own, and pay for, the roads with our taxes. Each of us have the exact same right to use the road as the other. That's not what this is about, though.

so here is a thought...lets say, just for kicks and giggles...that I happen to pay more taxes then you do
doesn't that mean I in fact own more of the road and thereby have my right to a bigger share then you do ?
Oh, I forgot the best part of the story, The trooper thought I was on drugs. I hate to take asprin. I have Persian gulf syndrome (vertigo 24 7, and severe numbness on my left side) He was giving me the dui type checkout at 0930 on a wed. I almost fell over. My daughter was in the car and he was being such an *** I told him to bring me down and give me a blood test so we can get over this. He issued a formal warning for the plate frame that I ripped off while he was writing it. Gotta love it!

And you STILL DRIVE?!?! SERIOUSLY?!?! Dude...you need to be off the road RIGHT NOW, before you kill someone!