Flip job!

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Skate And Destroy
Apr 15, 2008
Reaction score
Stamford, CT
Guy bought this decent, original '68 Dart in the latter half of last year and is trying to flip it for a $5K profit.

March 2012:


Sept. of 2011:


Was on Racing Junk earlier this year too, like January. Short honeymoon!

Not trying to rat anyone out or what have you but come on, this is what's killing the hobby - straight up greed. This is a decent driver but $12.5 K for a car you just paid $7K for? Unbelievable. Hope he keeps it for a while.
The last few threads like this went in the crapper real fast. It seems you and I are the only ones that agree that guys like this are ruining the hobby. Expect to not be able to find a project car for under 10K real soon.

More like robbery. Listen, everybody has a right to ask whatever price they want for their car, everyone has a right to buy or not. That's not my point.

Would you pay $12.5K for a car you know someone paid $7K for less than six months prior? How would you feel if you were the guy that sold it?

Yeah yeah, thick skin, buyer beware yada yada. But seriously, this attitude is not only ruining our hobby but making everything that was once affordable - whatever it may be - out of reach for those of us with less means.

Rant over.
it's how we live and die?

I don't want the thread to become a disaster, but Barnum and Bailey had it right. All you need is one.

The good thing about the big C is you don't have to buy. Somewhere, someone will and the seller will make a profit, he/she hopes, no matter what that profit may be.

Would I lose sleep over someone paying 7 and asking 12? no, but I do agree it's extreme.
The last few threads like this went in the crapper real fast. It seems you and I are the only ones that agree that guys like this are ruining the hobby. Expect to not be able to find a project car for under 10K real soon.

Problem with the hobby has a lot to do with definitions and how they are perceived. Me, I would much rather pay for very good bones upfront than a beached whale, but then that's me.
My first question would be, what is the car worth? Haven't seen it myself. I'm sure there will be differences of opinion on the value. Consider this. I bought a truck for $1000 and i've had no less than 3 individuals that want to give me $6500 for it. I use it in my work to pull equipment with it but if i didn't depend on it i would sell it in a NY minute. When i'm about to buy something, the price someone gave for the merchandise is not a factor to me. Is what he's asking for his stuff in my price range or do i feel the asking price is what i can afford or choose to give. The market will and does dictate the selling price.
Small Block
Nope guys like this arent the only ones ruining the hobby. It's also part's flippers/hoarders that destroy it for all but the rich.

Guys that have 10 or more shark tooth grilles hanging in thier loft just because they can are a problem if you ask me.

These guys have bought every stupid part in thier region. And then they have a monopoly and figure thier parts are gold.

One guy wanted $400 for rusty ,used clutch pedal set. It's prices like this that have ended the hobby for guy's who can actually do thier own restorations,because now they cant afford parts to restore thier cars.
I think it depends on what the car is really worth. Say I paid $7k for a car just because the seller needed to sell that day or something, but it was really worth $12.5k. In that case, you're darn right I'd ask the $12.5k if that's what the market would really bear at that time. If I bought the car for $7k and it was really worth $7k, then I probably wouldn't get $12.5k for it if I tried. Unless I found someone who didn't know the market and has more dollars than sense.

Basically, if the car isn't worth $12.5k, it won't sell for that much. I'd just be crying for not being in the right place at the right time to get it cheaper. I think it has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with what someone paid for something, only what it's actually worth.

I doubt it's worth $12.5k anyway. See what happens.
Nope guys like this arent the only ones ruining the hobby. It's also part's flippers/hoarders that destroy it for all but the rich.

Guys that have 10 or more shark tooth grilles hanging in thier loft just because they can are a problem if you ask me.

These guys have bought every stupid part in thier region. And then they have a monopoly and figure thier parts are gold.

One guy wanted $400 for rusty ,used clutch pedal set. It's prices like this that have ended the hobby for guy's who can actually do thier own restorations,because now they cant afford parts to restore thier cars.

exactly, its bullshit. $250 for a pair of A body sport mirrors? screw off. $700 for a pair of trashed out A body buckets? kiss my white ***. it is sickening. $200 bucks for a $110 used VFN dual snorkel A body scoop? really? what i love is the sets of repopped rallye wheels that summit sells for 99 bucks a piece going for $500 a set for bare wheels. in regular everyday life i really dont care, but when its time to find parts i want, i am just dumbfounded at what people have done to this hobby in the name of greed
The last few threads like this went in the crapper real fast. It seems you and I are the only ones that agree that guys like this are ruining the hobby. Expect to not be able to find a project car for under 10K real soon.

I almost bought this Dart from the guy who posted it on here. I made a few offers and the last one was a strong offer. He said let me sleep on it and I will call you first thing in the morning. My hopes were pretty high. Around noon I had not heard from him. I didn't think much of it, people are busy, you know. So i jumped on FABO to see what was going on and low and behold the snake is fishing around the thread looking for another offer. I was pissed so I pulled my offer. I hope it doesn't go over 6K (my offer)
Obviously guys with lot's of money are fools and throw it around without regard to concequence.
have the same thing on the station wagon forum guy buys a wagon for 2,800 first of this month with 109,000 miles as listed by owner and put it on ebay with 9,000 miles at bottom of add says 9,000 or 109,000 i don't know but the tires were original inc spare must be good tires to last 30 years and 109,000 miles
Look most of ya know im not made of cash here lol But it is what it is .. If i buy some thing i dont need knowing i can make some green im going to do it .. It makes the world go around u know . but im not going to keep posting in this thread cuz its going to go down the crapper in a few later


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I guess there are very few of us left that feel money isnt everything and would rather see more people enjoying the hobby instead of making a quick buck. I have a few parts left over. I will give them away to friends for their project and then likely call it quits with the Mopar hobby.

I started this site 8 years ago wanting to help others build these cars and see the often neglected A bodies get some respect. Lately I wish I could just close the site down. To much arguing and dis-respect going on for me.
I must be missing all these threads with the arguing and disrespect. Guess I'm lucky.

I totally agree with you Adam. That's how it should be. I don't think that having that point of view and thinking that this guy can ask whatever he wants (too much) for his car are incompatible opinions. He's not going to get it, so who cares what he asks.

I wish all old Mopars (and other brands for that matter) could be bought in awesome condition for $500 the way it was 25 years ago. Then we could all afford to have our fun. Unfortunately, there's too many of us who want them and not enough supply. Reality.
Nope guys like this arent the only ones ruining the hobby. It's also part's flippers/hoarders that destroy it for all but the rich.

Guys that have 10 or more shark tooth grilles hanging in thier loft just because they can are a problem if you ask me.

These guys have bought every stupid part in thier region. And then they have a monopoly and figure thier parts are gold.

One guy wanted $400 for rusty ,used clutch pedal set. It's prices like this that have ended the hobby for guy's who can actually do thier own restorations,because now they cant afford parts to restore thier cars.

I 100% agree with you I would buy a car today as it would be cheaper.
Around here almost zero young guys in Mopars as it is out of there price range and they end up in a chebby.
Couple of observations:

First he's asking 12.5K, nobody has paid 12.5K. I can ask any amount for a car but it's only worth what someone is willing to pay.

For example, go to ebay and search for 5.7 or 6.1 hemis. You'll find them all day long. Watch a bunch of listings for weeks on end, then record the ACTUAL sale price. I did this for over a year before I bought my 6.1L Hemi. I can tell you that if you pay more than $1500.00 for a truck 5.7, $2500.00 for a car 5.7 or $4,500.00 for a 6.1 you paid too much. Why do I know this, because this is the price these things actually sell for, not what someone is asking. I've seen people ask 7K over and over again for a 6.1L Hemi or 5K for a 5.7, guess what they just sit there. ASKING AND GETTING ARE TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT THINGS.

Second if the first seller sold the car in a single day for 7.5K that might have been considered a fast sell and good price to buy. Maybe he "gave" it away because "momma needed an operation." The reality is the longer a seller is willing to sit on something the less he has to negotiate. This is a double edged sword, as I saw the same part at Pomona Automotive Swap Meet three thrips in a row. Originally offered for 100.00, I countered with 50.00. He came down to 80.00, I went up to 70.00, but neither would budge. Found a similar part a few isle over, for $60.00. Saw it for 75.00 next trip and finally 50.00 for the trip after that.

Third, this guy may lose his *** on the car. He might sit on the car for a year and have to dump it for 7K and take a 500 dollar loss. He not only would lose the 500 he's also had the opportunity cost of the 7.5K being tied up for a year.

Fourth, the buy it now price may simply be an attempt to "anchor" the price. This is when a buyer or seller throws out a high or low price to fix in the other party's mind a price, thus by throwing out 12.5K it makes buyers who get for 8.5K think they stole it.

Fifth, my wife and I watch "Pawn Stars" all the time and routinely see people take 1/2 for what something is worth. Most people would say, why would anyone do that? Well, for all we know the guy has tried to sell the thing for a year and this is his best offer. Or, Rick will sit on that item for two years before he sells it. Remember, "A bird in the hand..."

Sixth, thanks to ebay, craigslist, and the internet in general the market is far more liquid than it has ever been. For example, I would like a 4 speed center console. If I wanted one badly enough, I could have one on my doorstep in a week, and I wouldn't even have to get off my fat *** to get it. Compare this to even twenty years ago. I would have to spend hours on the phone, or going to swap meets, or reading the recycler every week in the off chance someone would list it for sale. Or buy a copy of Hemmings every month and then spend more time on the phone, and hope the guy on the other end wasn't lying before driving. Thanks to the internet linking buyers and sellers is far easier than it ever has been.

This ease of connecting buyer and seller is beneficial to all of us in the long run. No longer do you have to take some low ball price from someone down the road. You now have what is essentially a nationwide market.

Finally as for ruining the hobby. If you think the price is too high don't buy. Also keep in mind that we are all subject to dad disease. This is the disease where all your pricing remains static. Thus, when I take my kids to the movies I think every time, "When I was a kid a matinee was two bucks, now they want nine bucks for a matinee, what a rip off!" Which you follow up with, "Get off my lawn!!!"


Joe Dokes
I'm with Ram and Adam on this one,....(cept for the shuttin the site down part, please don't),..If I bought the Spacer for profit instead of a dream build/hobby I'd be stressin,...guess thats why I built a home, not a house,...and we all know how that worked out...

When I die, I'm leavin everything to the state of Connecticut, just to piss off my relatives...
Hmmmmmm.....I must be quite different than a lot of people, because it doesn't bother me in the least to see flippers out there doing their thing. I always say "once you buy something, it's yours and you can put it in a crusher for all I care". Because of course I know they won't, and hey, that's the American way. Capitalism.

I don't really have much respect for flippers though, because a lot of the time, they're not really even "car guys" just fast-talking dumb asses. Even if I sold a car for $7K and it was on Ebay next week for $12K (and sold) I'd probably just sort of kick myself for not detailing it out better, and marketing it better when I was trying to sell it. I don't think what these guys are doing is killing the hobby at all, whatsoever either. There's more classic cars out there than there are people who want them.....and it's gonna get more and more like that, as us boomers fall off the radar.
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