FLU Anyone?



Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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Muncy, PA
Well I'm on the 6th and hopefully last (bad) day with this crap. I havent had the flu since I was 12, now 29 and holy $hit is it nasty. I couldnt even keep water down last Saturday- just kept puking it back up. But, I should be heading back to work tomorrow thank God. This sitting around the house is driving me nuts. Local news said its all over the state so watch out neighbors!
I got it last year when we were in Vegas THAT SUCKED!!!! 104* temp for the last 3 days of a 3 week vacation. We were in the Excalibur hotel for the last week of the vacation and it hit me and a buddy on the same day,hot, cold, barf, poop, pissed off and all I wanted to do was go home! That was the worst plane ride ever!
Yeah that fever stuff was bad. I woke up Saturday night and the entire half of the bed I was sleeping on and my pillows were soaked! had to move to the other side and try again. I guess I should've gotten a flu shot but I just dont believe in them
I am just getting over the same thing. It started last Saturday. I will be going back to work tomorrow. I had a fever on and off for over 3 days. The weather has been nice and I have not even had the energey to play with the Dart or have a beer! This all came the same time my wife decides to get a puppy. So I have been house training while everyone else is at work or school.
Same here.....came down with it this past Sunday evening and missed work Monday and Tuesday, but I'm here this morning only because of massive amounts of Dayquil....and plenty of fluids.

I'm getting caught back up on my messages, pm's, and emails from the past couple of days. If anybody has sent me a message and hasn't got a reply back yet, hold tight, 'cause I'm getting them done this morning.
Had a scratchy throat for a week or so and man it just keeps hanging on. Can't wait to shake this crap so i can get back on working on a car. Been doing the antibiotics morning and night so maybe it will pass. I'll say a prayer for you guys. You say one for me. Love yall
I don't get sick that often but when I do, it puts me on my a$$. I caught this crap last Wednesday and felt bad till about Friday night when I started to feel a lot better. I didn't take anything for it. I just let it work its course. I feel for you guys that have it. I coughed so much that I developed a six pack on my stomach. No more sit ups for me!
Good news on the stomach! I lost a total of 11 pounds since last Friday. I guess I can take a few days off from going to the gym!!
lol... Yea, but man I was so sore. It was as if I did go to the gym. At one point I thought I cracked a rib from coughing so hard.
Here in central Ohio the doc's are saying we are
having a wave of whooping cough.
Pertussis is what they call it, everybodies gettin it.
yeah i had the flu about a week ago i missed a week of school from it that part wasnt bad but not bein able to sleep cause i couldnt breath out of my nose that sucked