For all Led Zepplin fans

I saw Zeppelin back in the 70's at Freedom Hall in Louisville Ky. I stood in the center of the front row against the wall(most shows back then didn't have a wall between the stage and the people) I took some pictures with a 110 portable camera I had in the front pocket of my overalls. I still have the ticket stubs and photos not to mention one complete ticket I didn't use. I stood in line all night waiting for them to sell the tickets which were $10 each with a ten ticket limit. They sold out in 20 minutes. My cheap friends only bought 2 tickets each, I bought 10 and sold 8 of them for $50 each at school. I used one and kept one as a keepsake. The day of the concert we left school at 2:00 and went straight to Freedom Hall, the concert didn't start till 7:30. Being up front was the most intense I had ever seen at a concert, people pushing and there was a constant pressure behind you like a truck was rolling over your back. One girl up in front passed out and slid down to the floor, I grabbed her and handed her over the wall to the security guys before she got trampled to death. Lucky for me I was a large kid, 6 ft 2 and weighed 265 at the time. I wouldn't have wanted to be small and be up front at one of those shows. I saw Rush a couple of years later. Back then concerts were good cheap entertainment, your average show was about $5.