For those of you who haven't seen this yet.....



Active Member
Feb 18, 2010
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The Wisdom of Courage Wolf


If a zombie bites you; Bite it the **** back

Seize the day; By the throat

Bring a knife to a gunfight; Stab them while they're laughing

No vampires in Twilight; Only sparkle fairies

The police are here? Sucks to be them

Bite off more than you can chew; THEN CHEW IT

Dress your wounds; With salt and bleach

When I find myself in times of trouble; I **** **** up

Catch the gingerbread man; Bite his ******* head off

Fall down seven times; Get up eight

Ambush waiting? Jump out and stab them in the face

Today's horoscope; **** YEAH

Get an erection in class; STAND UP ANYWAY

Skin your enemy; Turn his face into a mask

Tomorrow is another day; BRING IT ON!

Piss lightning; **** success

Obsession is what the lazy call dedication

Why fear the unknown; When you can conquer it

**** depression; Pain isn't real

Life getting tough; Means God fears your progress

When you get to Hell; Punch Satan and tell him I sent you

If he knocks your teeth out; Spit them into his eyes

Don't lock your doors; Accept ALL challengers

What doesn't kill you; Dies horribly

Push hipsters down the stairs; Who's stumbling now?

Being #1 is how I warm up

When life gives you ****; Eat it and say "MANTASTIC"

Tear today a new asshole

There is no losing; Only delayed victory

Lose the frown; Make life your *****

Eat limitations; **** possibilities

Pick up strange hitchhikers; Murder them first

Don't go through Hell; CONQUER IT

Yes they laugh at you; Because they know you're better

Play chicken with oncoming traffic, And WIN

Play Russian roulette with six bullets; And WIN

Don't be manly; Be GODLY

Eat furries; **** emos

Who let the dogs out; I did....WOOF

If they don't give you liberty; You give them death

Wherever you are; That's the top

Don't simply walk into Mordor; Plow through it
