Free Card at for the Lady FABOer, FABO Wife, or Progressive FABO Man



Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
Reaction score
Central Valley California
For the Lady FABOer, FABO Wife, or Progressive FABO Man- :D

I work for Shutterfly Inc, and occasionally they give me free stuff to share with friends and family. And in my book, you guys count! Feel free to use and share my code TRT76EA8D9 @ for a free card and shipping to your dad, grad, or summer birthday in your life.

Often times these codes are leaked and I get in big trouble if the search team finds them anywhere but a private email. This time though they are letting us shout it from the rooftops! So go ahead and share with all your friends and family, facebook friends, twitter friends, etc.

Thanks for this. My father was diagnosed with brain cancer and is in its final stages, reading your post just gave me the idea of a bit more personal card this year for fathers day and I appreciate it.
Thanks for this. My father was diagnosed with brain cancer and is in its final stages, reading your post just gave me the idea of a bit more personal card this year for fathers day and I appreciate it.

I am sorry to hear about your father's condition. I hope the card makes your time together a little more special.

Thanks for this. My father was diagnosed with brain cancer and is in its final stages, reading your post just gave me the idea of a bit more personal card this year for fathers day and I appreciate it.

Thoughts and prayers for you and the family.