full metal jacket


booker t jones

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2016
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ripplemead va
any you old boys watch the movie me about a week into the battle for hue city tet 68 now on hospital ship sanctuary 3rd marine recon
Yup seen it more than a few times.. Thanks for Your Service.
Going to the Nam for a month this winter.. Probably get by Hue.
don't go during tet might still get crazy post me a pic of the citadel that where I got dinged
Actually I am going around Tet. Mid Jan to mid Feb. But... I'm goin with a buddy who is a Vietnamese National. He's my Barber... LOL
I'll post ya some Citadel pics if I get there. :thumbsup:
Actually I am going around Tet. Mid Jan to mid Feb. But... I'm goin with a buddy who is a Vietnamese National. He's my Barber... LOL
I'll post ya some Citadel pics if I get there. :thumbsup:
if you get up around con tien that was my first ding 3 miles north west close to the bien ha river which separated north and south Vietnam in the dmz
No good memories of Con Thien, Booker. WIA there 8 May '67. Medevaced to hospital ship Sanctuary.

Lost a good buddy there. Glad you made it back OK.

Semper Fi,

Delta 1/4
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