Full sized truck dealers are like any used car dealer


Big Dad

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2011
Reaction score
S.E. South Dakota
Not near as many to choose from to be sure but ..

since the "supply chain" got disturbed been tough to find new trucks

Managed to find a couple here and there over past couple years

Getting kind of desperate lol

seldom to they advertise the price, its always call for price , called somewhat Local dealer to me and he listed what he had for new .. nothing that work for me

but, he just took in 7 trucks off a local fleet that have all the paperwork to see what has been fixed and carry a 1 year warranty on major driveline.

one he sent me was $88,000 said all of them are about the same

so i said pickou your 3 nicest cleanest and give me a price for that plus a new 579 with everything I need

, lol comes back with

List for 579 $245,000 and 94,000 each for the 3 used ones i questioned it and he said yeah the nicer ones are more money , we were at 99,000 each and ps, need to make up your mind
quick sales mgr wont hold prices for more than 24 hours


Our company has had the same issues with getting new tractors, guess it's an industry wide problem. Finally got some this summer that were ordered 2 years ago.
The biggest difference is how much mark up there is in a used tractor ( Semi). As far as new goes heavy truck manufacturers have concessions (discounts that vary according to the size of the fleet. Prime , Arlo Lott etc… get huge concessions. Maybe upto 20k per unit or more depending on the size of order and how many units the have in operation in total .

Prime may order a 120k tractor and only pay 85k for it . Then they hire / train a driver on the condition he/she stays on with the company for a period of time . Then they lease that tractor to the driver at a cap cost of 120k + % ! The driver is essentially an indentured servant and prime is making bank on the lease + getting cheap labor ! I used random numbers as an example but the actual numbers are pretty similar in range .
I managed Volvo Truck sales department and sold for a Freightliner dealership back around 2000.