Gas hit $4.50

Keep this in mind guys and gals..........

Like it or not, believe it or not, OPEC has the power to control oil prices for the most part. They've had a long history of balancing the market value of crude by increasing or decreasing actual output.........and, with the machinery and technology that we gave them in the first place.

Stock market speculation would not be a high key factor if OPEC had stepped up it's production, as in years past, to control the market.........same principle as the Federal Reserve Bank regulating prime interest doing so, they can greatly affect the overall economic health of the nation.

With this said, who is it that actually has the greatest current control of the US economy? The sad fact is that it's OPEC........and the greatest influence among OPEC nations is Saudi Arabia.......where 19 of the 9/11 hijackers came from....and where Wahabi-ism (the radical wing of Islam) is taught in all of it's schools, and approved by it's Gov't........and who our Gov't still contends are our "allies"..........We get enough oil from them that if it was cut off, the US economy would collapse......just a fact.......that's why we're in the Middle East with so much protect the American economy and our national security (which depends upon a strong economy).

So, with our current enemy (radical Islam) basically able to control the US economy (and they state that their plan is to bring the US economy to it's knees) and gas prices going out of reach to those who already struggle, tell me "who wins" if we halt our cruise nights, cancel our car shows, and garage our hobby's? This is not a war against American PEOPLE, but a war against American CULTURE.........they HATE our open and free way of life, and want us to submit to their Islamic's a global agenda......again, just a fact.

Should we just lay down and die? Should we simply surrender our culture because the cost has risen? I don't think so. If we all cut back and lower our demand, and as the previous writers mentioned, look seriously to some alternative energy possibilities, we can BEAT them at their own game..........don't cancel your cruises, but PLAN more carefully and cut back a little. Don't drive as much as you did, and when you do, back out of the gas a know how we can be in our cars......right? A little common sense and a clear head can turn this around.

...............and listen...........IF the prices stabilize and even drop back to lower levels, DON'T immediately begin to use a lot more gas........if you DO, it will happen ALL OVER AGAIN...........Lower your demand, and the markets will change eventually..........and if you're a person of Faith, don't blow it by becoming complacent..........pray and hold fast........And do NOT surrender the enjoyment of your FREEDOM to the enemy.....I don't believe we should idolize material possessions, BUT let me paraphrase an old adage to make a point relative to our life of Freedom in the USA.........

"They can have my Pistol Grip when they pry it from around my cold, dead fingers". Doc :read2:

(as a footnote, I ran a propane powered school bus at our Christian Academy in NY, and it was the cleanest burning vehicle I've ever seen.........relatively simple conversion can convert a classic pretty easily.but, propane is tied to petroleum guarantee that a lower current price will last, and the prices are regulated by the specific USE of the gas.......for fuel, I believe it's lower than for BBQ's and heating, BUT someone more knowledgeable should chime in on that one.....)
We have a lot of vehicles here running on propane, many taxis and commercial vehicles, one of my son's tow trucks runs on propane, quite a bit cheaper.
Natural gases (propane, butane, etc.) are very plentiful in and around our own country. Before there was practical distribution (i.e. pipelines) most of it was burned off at the wellhead. There is a huge reserve of offshore gas, but the Dem/Lib/socialist/envirowhackos will not let us have it. That is a fact. China and Cuba are now drilling for oil and gas 50 miles off the Florida coast. American companies are legally prevented from doing so. There will hopefully come a time when some of those traitors will be put against a wall.

As far as using propane in road vehicles, I would have to see some data on energy per volume as compared to gasoline. I have some BTU figures somewhere, but those will have to be converted to potential energy for comparison. Storing natural gases in a vehicle would be the next step. What is a practical storage pressure, practical volume, etc. Pressure tanks must legally be hydrostatically tested every so many years. As an example, a 20 gallon gasoline tank in a car getting 20 mpg would yield a range of 400 miles. What volume of natural gas would be needed to achieve the same range?

Food for thought.
Do anyone here get a weird feeling about this guy?

I would love to see someone culturaly different as our president, but this guy...I dont know....

I get the sensation that he is a wolf in sheeps clothing

Will he be a door to something really bad? Or something good?

Maybe he's a puppet for the ones who really are in control of what happens in the whole world...(if there is such thing but I believe so =P)

I just don't understand why there are so much politics...and so many laws and supposabley it is encouraged to learn from our past, to prevent so many chaotic is so easy to see...that everything is repeating over and over again like it it was a planned story...

another great depression...leading to another big war...combined with even more natural disasters...

and then what happens?

No one said OPEC ran up the price..........Speculators are the main problem, and OPEC is riding the wave of supply and demand..........

OPEC has the ability to manipulate and even control the world markets by their agreed output levels. They've done it before, and they can easily do it again.

That's just economic-political fact. Just like our own oil companies....they did not HAVE to make 80 Billion over the past 2 years.......they CHOSE to ride the wave.

The US Government does not produce oil, nor do they sell oil for profit............they TAX it all, and make more than the oil companies that are so readily chastised. One news release won't get the truth into the hands of those who want to learn...........To trust a single source, or a biased source of "news" brings us into simile with the millions who died in the world wars because they didn't listen to the balance of many witnesses.........I think the worst thing we can do as Americans right now is become "useful idiots" (as Stalin referred to them).

Right now, like it or not, "Who controls the oil, controls the world"......until we wake up and stop being such oil gluttons, that is.....but it's a long road to recovery should have been done in 1974, not nearly 35 years we pay the piper. :read2:
So much for $4.50

Oil company profits are averaging about 4%. Compare that rate with other business sectors and you will see that it is about in the middle range. BFD. "Windfall profits"...I don't think so.
Pastortom, I hate to say it but you are preaching to the choir. I would say that most of us here know the value of hard work and the true cost of laziness. We know the determination that it takes to stick to a budget no matter how painful and to wait for weeks or months or years to be able to afford that "thing" what ever it is..... and I will agree completely that who controls the spice controls the yeah oil......only because america is lead around by its fuel hose... :lol:
Only when this whole thing blows up and keeps them from watching that 70's show on their overly huge HDTV while they gorge themselves on who knows what will they actually START to care..... this social experiment needs to end.......Strange things happen when life as we know it ceases to exist...even for a few days.. kill the power here in orlando for a couple of days and people get REAL STRANGE...

I've already started planing my trips to the store and making sure that I don't turn the key if I don't have to.....

This place is really going to suck if gas prices turn the /6 into a weekend warrior
I think it's going to end up like Mad Max. Whoever has the abilities to get the precious gas shall survive. Those who don't, shall perish on the highways of death.
Please, do a google search of peak oil. Read up on it in depth and it will explain a lot what is going on. M K Hubbard predicted US oil production would peak in 1970 and he was right, despite Alaska, despite exploration in the gulf oil production still peaked and has been going down ever since. Now the same thing is happening on a global level... you guys really think population growth plus economic growth can keep going on indefinitely when its based upon finite natural resources?