Gas Tank Leak repair what are my options??

Try Plug N Dike powder. Mix with water to a clay consistency. Press on the leak. This stuff hardens when exposed to petroleum. I've used this in the Fire Service, for emergency gas leak calls for many years, with great success.
Good to keep handy. I Keep small portions dry in a ziploc bags, if I need it...add water to the bag, squish it up and apply.
Hope this helps.
What a bunch of Mickey Mouse fixes for a leaking fuel tank.
New tank is on its way.....E Bay, 104.00 free shipping. No brainer, just like puncturing my tank in the first place. Live and learn I guess. Thanks to everyone who chimed in, I hope this thread is helpful to the next guy that has this problem!
New tank is on its way.....E Bay, 104.00 free shipping. No brainer, just like puncturing my tank in the first place. Live and learn I guess. Thanks to everyone who chimed in, I hope this thread is helpful to the next guy that has this problem!
Thanks for doing it right Jeff.
What a bunch of Mickey Mouse fixes for a leaking fuel tank.
"Let them eat cake" Right?
When faced with no car to get to work to earn the money to feed your family let alone buy a new fuel tank, you sometimes have to make less than perfect repairs. Any repair that lasts for 40 years may be unconventional, but something must have been done well to last that long.
I was sawzall-ing my exhaust from the underside of my 65 barracuda. This is why:
View attachment 1715260116

I broke through the exhaust pipe and the blade lunged forward and just pierced my gas tank. There is a nice steady little stream of gas that I am catching until it runs out. How do I repair that spot without removing my tank and without welding the hole shut....I don't weld, plus its a tank full of gas! Any kind of patch material that would work?
Thanks Guys View attachment 1715260122
I have a tank from my 68 that you can have if you can get it from Ontario Canada, I replaced mine, but the old one was perfectly fine.