Germanwings flight.

"a trained response to a mechanical issue" HAHAHAHAHAHA
Try suicide/homicide....
Well Mr. Bigshot, the facts show your theory was dead wrong as well.

Actually, except for the reason, I was exactly right.

It was a deliberate, controlled descent that was entered and flown by the co-pilot. It was in fact the same descent that would have occurred if there had been a mechanical issue, because that was exactly what was programmed.

Yes, I was 100% wrong on the reason. And I still don't understand why you would program an 8 minute descent if your goal was to fly the plane into a mountain. But, logic doesn't apply to that situation anymore. I don't understand why you'd fly a plane with 149 other people on board into the ground to kill yourself either.

Regardless, it looks like terrorism had NOTHING to do with it. And jumping to conclusions, say, by putting reinforced locking doors on all aircraft, actually was a major contributing factor. So, maybe we shouldn't go with the first knee-jerk reaction we have to every situation?

Regardless, this is a tragedy for all of those families. Who's "right" and who's "wrong" isn't really the issue at hand. As a former aerospace engineer, I analyzed the flight profile and offered an alternative theory that I thought was plausibe/likely. The flight profile was right on, the reason was not.
Yeah, like it's such a STRETCH to consider a muslim extremist responsible - aka terrorist. OK.

Except you had absolutely no scientific or evidentiary reasoning to base that off of. Plane crashed=terrorist. It's the exact response that terrorists want, for all of us to be scared crapless all the time and attribute every bad thing that happens to us to them. And fly off the handle and restrict all of our freedoms in the name of safety.

That was, and is still, my only point. Crap happens, absolutely. And terrorists will probably crash more planes, unfortunately. That is part of the world we live in now, as best as we can do to change that. But before you start pointing fingers, maybe you should consider the evidence.

Regardless, this is all off the point of the matter now.
Co-pilot drove plane into the ground, just announced he had a recent sex offender case for exposing himself to a woman and had been told by the airline he was going to be fired after this flight which would be his last. How incredibly stupid could a company be to allow someone with emotional distress pilot an aircraft....This will be a slamdunk in the courts when the lawsuits start pouring in and hopefully bankrupt the company which they absolutely deserve for being so fricken stupid.

Evidently FOX at this point is no longer running with this story and I smell a Rat.
I definitely heard what I heard on their broadcast but they either hadn't validated the story 1st and are backtracking now following advice from Fox's lawyer's for libel reasons or Lufthansa's lawyers got a hold of them with a cease and desist order. I can also imagine Lufthansa isn't going to be in a hurry to confirm the story as the culpability payout if the story's true will be so astronomical that Lufthansa will be lucky to operate the plane ride at an amusement park when this one's done.

Surely there are transcripts from the broadcast but I'll bet they have been edited as well. I have to imagine these details will all come out in the wash but for now The Plot Thickens!
Except you had absolutely no scientific or evidentiary reasoning to base that off of. Plane crashed=terrorist. It's the exact response that terrorists want, for all of us to be scared crapless all the time and attribute every bad thing that happens to us to them. And fly off the handle and restrict all of our freedoms in the name of safety.

That was, and is still, my only point. Crap happens, absolutely. And terrorists will probably crash more planes, unfortunately. That is part of the world we live in now, as best as we can do to change that. But before you start pointing fingers, maybe you should consider the evidence.

Regardless, this is all off the point of the matter now.
