Get Your Phoenix Specialty Coatings Garage Wall Poster Now!!!

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Steve, at this early juncture I can't even venture a guess. It would be awesome to go but I'm not going to hold my breath.
I need to let everyone know there is a formatting problem with the PSC Garage Posters. We've been working hard trying to get it straightened out but there's going to be a delay in shipment.

Please accept my most sincere apologies for the extended wait. If anyone wants a refund in the meantime, just let me know. I'll get them out as soon as possible.
IF YOU PREVIOUSLY ORDERED A PSC GARAGE POSTER, I am very distressed to report there is a formatting issue with the original design.

Rather than change the advertised size, there will be a 12-month calendar at the bottom of what you see shown here (the watermark will not appear on the printed posters of course).

View attachment Poster with watermark.jpg

If you wish to cancel your pre-order and receive a full refund through paypal, I totally understand. Please let me know either here in this thread or through a P.M. and it will be quickly processed.

On the other hand, if it's not a problem and you have a preference whether the calendar be a 2012 or 2013 edition please say so here.

I'll get them out as soon as I can. Once there's a draft to show off, I'll add it here too.

I'm really sorry about this everybody!!! I guess it was just going too well for a first attempt .......... :wack:
Sorry to hear you hit a glitch, bet it don't happen again though huh?
But seriously, do ya really think anyone is going to cancel their order?
Since it's Good Friday and they took longer than expected to get finalized, I'm not opening the shop today and will instead devote the time to getting the PSC Garage Posters ready to mail out. Everyone has been extremely patient -- which is much appreciated by the way -- but I need to get them out the door! I'll be around for phone calls but the shop will be closed today. Thanks to all who placed an order! :-D

View attachment posterwitcal2013 with watermark.jpg
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