Getting Back Into the Swing of Things



Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2011
Reaction score
Naperville Illinois
Hey Folks,

Been away from FABO and working on the Duster for quite a few months and just wanted to say "Hey". My Dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer's awhile back and I have been taking care of getting him and my mom moved into a condo in WI (A few miles from my Sister & Brother's places), and getting their home on a lake in MI emptied out and on the market. Being alone in the old place surrounded by all the reminders of good times past was rough on me, and I found my self getting choked up more than a few times. Kinda hard seeing my dad, my rock, mentor and teacher slipping, but I know I am blessed to still have him and knowing my daughters have, and continue to spend quality time with Pappa is awesome. We're all in the groove now and have a nice routine in place. On my last trip up there, I took him fishing on Green Bay on several days to catch smallies, and I must say, while he may not remember things we spoke about minutes earlier, or where we may be driving to, he remembers how to fish! Good times.

Anyway, it's great to be back to the point where I can work on the car with my girls and hang out here at FABO. Spinning wrenches again is proving to be very therapeutic for me :D

Thanks for listening.
Welcome back. Naperville is not that far from here. If you need anything or just want to meet, pm me.
welcome back Pat good to see ya!

Welcome back. Naperville is not that far from here. If you need anything or just want to meet, pm me.

Thanks Lance/Karl. It's great to be back!

Definitely need to meet sometime Karl. I know we never connect last summer, but we gotta this year before snow flies!

Be well guys,