Getting started on my disk brake conversion


Ed Kelly

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2018
Reaction score
Columbus Oh
Converting my 64 Dart Wagon to disk. Using the scarebird kit, dual master cylinder from a 73 a body and an adjustable proportional valve. Front drums came off today. The self adjuster on the right front was missing the cable and guide. No wonder it didn't stop well

Hubs have been separated from the drums. Local tire store charged me $5.00..Now I am just waiting on parts to arrive.

Just a FYI, hope they used a swedge cutter before pressing out those studs! Not doing so can distort/enlarge the holes in the hub so new studs are sloppy.

2. Take drum/hub assembly and remove studs. Best ways to do this is with a swedge cutter and press, or take a center punch the head from the inside. Then pilot drill about ½” deep, then drill off head with 5/8” diameter bit. Clean off wheel surface and register with wire wheel or beadblaster. Replace studs with ¼” longer or more studs, such as NAPA #641-1563 (Dorman 610-156) (10”) or #641-1560 (9”)
Ran into my first issue. Brake lines are frozen into the distribution block. Have them soaking in on blaster now, will try it again after a good day of soaking. Was hoping to avoid doing any more lines, other than the new master cylinder lines.
Try acetone and ATF. I know PB blaster has a following, but never had much luck with it.
Brake lines are successfully disconnected from the distribution block, no curse words were needed. Next up is mounting the adjustable proportional valve while I wait for parts. Will post pics of the proportional valve.
Well, got most of the parts of my scarebird kit. Calipers were not on stock and they are being dropped shipped from the manufacturer (?). One caliper bracket did not have the the lower two bolt hole countersunk. Mark is sending a replacement. Was hoping to have things buttoned up this weekend so I can go to Goodguys...
Nice quality control. That never should have made it out the door.
I just installed my 3rd scarebird kit. 1 - 9¨ and 2 - 10¨ kits . Never used a proportional valve and had no issues.
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He was not apologetic about it at He just said he was going to send me a new one...