Glad that's over



Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2006
Reaction score
Victoria, BC
I was welding last Friday, batteries crapped out on my helmet so it didn't dim properly (or at all?) Next day my eyes were killing me, not much better for the next two days either. Went to the Doc on Monday, turns out I managed to get some metal in one eye to make matters worse. He dug that out and I'm almost back to normal now :cheers:

Play safe kids, it's a jungle out there :-D
Thanks, it totally sucked, two times. I always check to see if my helmet is dimming but I knew it worked a few days ago so I figured yeah I'm good to go :angry7: Then, like the old fool that I am, I was grinding the area to weld with just my reading glasses on figuring that's good enough, guess again dumb *** :angry7:

I've been doing this long enough to know better, first time I ever had either thing happen and I get both at once. Oh well, live and learn.
had a nice chunk drilled from my eye this year. Not as bad as I was expecting, Dont care to do it again.
Last winter, cold. So my dumb azz left the shop doors closed, while cutting with abrasive saw, grinding on the roll cage.
It took the Doc 8 months to get me breathing good again. Be careful.
That doesn't sound good at all Green1. Proper ventilation is another thing easily overlooked. Yet another thing I too have to be more careful with when welding, proper ventilation, pretty hard to stuff a respirator under your helmet and it isn't good breathing those fumes either.
Good to here you are doing better Rob. That can't fell good at all. Them diming helmet are nice when they are working right and you remember to turn them on. I have forgot to push the button before.
Ah lovely flash burn.... did it feel like someone put a handful of sand in your eyes ? I used to do alot of welding when working for a ag equipment shop... stayed pretty dang safe, but there are a few times I got a nice sun burn or eyeballs scarred up. Yep..... play it safe...keep the parts ya came with from the factory ;)

Yeah it didn't feel good at all, like sand in the eyes but also really sensitive to light. I'm usually very careful, look into a light to make sure it dims, I had to look into the sun a few days earlier for it to dim so I knew the batteries were getting weak. It was cloudy Friday and I only had a bit to weld so I figured it would be fine, it wasn't.

Yeah I know about that button too, that's why I always get it to dim on a light first, well almost always :angry7:
Rob I have experienced flash burn and wouldn't wish it on anyone. I am glad you are better. That is the downfall to the less expensive helmets is dealing with the batteries. I have a Lincoln helmet and the nice thing about it is it is powered off of solar cells so there is no need to change batteries. Also it charges itself as you are welding from the arc.
nothing worse than haveing a doc poking around in your eyes, I couldn't do it they would have to knock me out. Glad to hear all you guys are ok.
i welded for a long time before i got a job at the mill.i got flashed so many times it isnt even funny.but one time i was fitting up before the final weld and kept taking my helmet off and dropping it.well it had a little crack on the side that i couldnt see.well after welding for 8hrs i got welders flash real bad in one eye.
Rob I have experienced flash burn and wouldn't wish it on anyone. I am glad you are better. That is the downfall to the less expensive helmets is dealing with the batteries. I have a Lincoln helmet and the nice thing about it is it is powered off of solar cells so there is no need to change batteries. Also it charges itself as you are welding from the arc.

The helmet I had before this one was like that, lasted about 10 years before I had to replace it.

nothing worse than haveing a doc poking around in your eyes, I couldn't do it they would have to knock me out. Glad to hear all you guys are ok.

It's not as bad as I expected, somewhat unsettling for sure but they put some sort of drops in your eye that totally numb it so you don't feel a thing while he's poking around.

i welded for a long time before i got a job at the mill.i got flashed so many times it isnt even funny.but one time i was fitting up before the final weld and kept taking my helmet off and dropping it.well it had a little crack on the side that i couldnt see.well after welding for 8hrs i got welders flash real bad in one eye.

That must have been really bad, I welded for less than 10 minutes, mind you I don't think the helmet dimmed at all. I have to take drops for high pressure in my eyes, one of them felt like putting vinegar in my eyes and I had to get out of the light quickly or it just made it worse.

Feeling pretty good today :cheers: