glass removal



Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
Fountain Hills, Az
my friend just came by and removed all the moldings around the glass for me but how do you take out the glass?
For the windshield I used a razor knife and cut the gasket all the way around and then just poped the glass out. For the rear we used a low E guitar string and poked it through the goop that held in the glass and kinda sawed it all the way around until the glass let loose.
That's the easy fast way if the rubber seal is no good and you need to buy new ones.
Yeah, we did that AFTER we ordered new gaskets. Find out if you can get new gaskets before you start ripping into it.
Just removed mine last night - one thing that really helps is heating the gasket up with a heat gun.
yessir thats definately the trick mr bird also helps straighten out new gasket if theres any bunching